1030 Protestant Worship Service
Contemporary Worship Service designed for Military in IET.
Traditional Protestant Worship Service, Sunday
Category: Clubs, Ministry, Other Social and Spiritual Resources, Pastoral Counseling, Relationship Building, Religious Community Groups, Religious Education, Single Service Member Activities, Worship Services
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Service Members, Retirees
Intended for: Target audience is IET Soldiers/Military
When: Sunday 1030
Where: Soldier Memorial Chapel (SMC) Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473; Virtual
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-596-2127
Resource Provider: Chaplains Office
Last Updated: 10/31/2024
14th MP BDE (MFLC)
MFLC Office
Category: Anger Management, Anxiety, Attention Deficit or Hyperactivity Disorder, Combat and Post-Traumatic Stress, Depression, Other Behavioral Health Resources, Blended Families, Other Family Resources, Conflict Resolution, Coping Skills, Grief and Loss, Marriage and Divorce Counseling, Other Social and Spiritual Resources
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
When: Monday - Friday 0800-2000
Where: Five different meeting sites on Fort Leonard Wood please call for details.
Cost: 0
Phone: (773) 510-7437
Resource Provider: Military and Family Life Counseling Program (MFLC)
Last Updated: 11/18/2024
MFLC Office
Category: Other Behavioral Health Resources
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: FLW Community
When: Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Where: Five different meeting Sites on Fort Leonard Wood (By Brigade)
Cost: 0
Phone: 1 (571) 626 -9826
Resource Provider: Military and Family Life Counseling Program (MFLC)
Last Updated: 8/8/2024
MFLC Office
Category: Anger Management, Anxiety, Depression, Attention Deficit or Hyperactivity Disorder, Combat and Post-Traumatic Stress, Other Behavioral Health Resources, Other Health Resources, Conflict Resolution, Other Family Resources, Blended Families, Coping Skills, Marriage and Divorce Counseling, Other Social and Spiritual Resources, Grief and Loss
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Service Members
When: Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Where: Five different meeting sites on Fort Leonard Wood please call for details.
Cost: 0
Phone: 571-250-9448
Resource Provider: Military and Family Life Counseling Program (MFLC)
Last Updated: 8/8/2024
4H Clubs
Youth 6-18 years old, this program offers experiences in arts, technology, and community service. Youth participates in local, county, state, and national opportunities; through a relationship with the US Department of Agriculture National 4-H Headquarters.
Category: Other Family Resources, Youth and Teen Activities
Population: Family Members
Intended for: Dependents registered with CYS
When: Call for specific times.
Where: Ages 6-11: School Age Center (SAC) 616 Replacement Ave. Ages 12-18: Pippin Youth Center (PYC), Bldg 9625, Young St, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: Dues vary by participation
Phone: (573) 596-0239; (573) 596-0209
Resource Provider: Child Youth and School Services (CYSS)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
5th EN BN (MFLC)
5th Engineer Battalion MFLC
Category: Anger Management, Anxiety, Attention Deficit or Hyperactivity Disorder, Combat and Post-Traumatic Stress, Depression, Other Behavioral Health Resources, Blended Families, Other Family Resources, Conflict Resolution, Coping Skills, Grief and Loss, Marriage and Divorce Counseling, Other Social and Spiritual Resources
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Where: Five different meeting sites on Fort Leonard Wood please call for details.
Cost: 0
Phone: (573) 979-7838
Resource Provider: Military and Family Life Counseling Program (MFLC)
Last Updated: 8/8/2024
ACS - Family Advocacy Program (FAP)
The purpose of the Family Advocacy Program is to develop programs and initiatives to prevent spousal and childhood abuse and neglect, encourage reporting of all instances of abuse, ensure prompt assessment and investigation of all reports, provide safety for victims of abuse and provide support services and treatment for victims, family members and offenders. FAP supports soldiers and their families in managing personal and family problems. For soldiers involved in family violence FAP referral reduces risk, establishes safety limits, and provides treatment for victims and offenders. Respite care services are available to eligible military families that can assist with childcare fees up to 20 hours per month for each child in the family. These families are usually experiencing stressors that may place children at risk for abuse.
Category: Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Other Behavioral Health Resources, Child Abuse and Neglect, Other Family Resources
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Service Members
Intended for: FLW Community
When: Office hours: 0730-1630
Where: BLDG 486, Replacement Ave., Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-596-0212
Resource Provider: Family Advocacy Program (FAP)
Last Updated: 2/10/2025
Airport - Waynesville/St. Robert Regional
The Waynesville-St. Robert Regional Airport is a facility open to all. With four scheduled flights per day and charter options available, Waynesville-St. Robert Regional Airport is the best way to begin your travel, whether business or leisure. Current carier for the Fort Leonard Wood region is Cape Air.
Category: Other Recreation Resources, Other Social and Spiritual Resources
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: General Public
Where: 5017 Iowa Ave, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: $$$-$$$$, Price of airfare varies.
Phone: (573) 840-0643; (573) 321-5592
Email: info@flyFLW.com
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous is an international fellowship of men and women who have had a drinking problem. It is non-professional, self-supporting, multi-racial, a-political, and available almost everywhere. There are no age or education requirements. Membership is open to anyone who wants to address their drinking issuesdrinking problem.
Category: Alcohol Abuse, Drug and Substance Abuse, Other Behavioral Health Resources
Population: Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel, Service Members
Intended for: General Public; OPEN to anyone who has had a drinking problem.
When: Fort Leonard Wood Mon.-Wed.-Fri. 1200 Hrs. Call for off post meeting dates and locations
Where: Fort Leonard Wood Bldg 608 Main Post Chapel St. Roberts, MO ** Please call for more information**
Cost: 0
Phone: Fort Leonard Wood (253) 363-3306, 970-390-5725; St. Robert 573-364-5154
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 10/23/2024
Emergency Contact Listing for transportation of sick or injured individuals to/from/and between places of treatment for illness or injury.
Category: Emergency Planning, Domestic Violence, First Aid and CPR
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: General public
When: 24/7
Where: GLWACH, BLDG 1278, 4430 Missouri Ave, Fort Leonard Wood, Mo 65473
Cost: Varies by Service and/or insurance coverage
Phone: 911
Resource Provider: Defense Health Agency (DHA)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
American Red Cross
Emergency Contact Listing, Volunteer Hub
Category: Emergency Planning, Volunteering, Other Education Resources, First Aid and CPR
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: General public
When: Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:30
Where: 13486 Replacement Ave. Bldg 470, Rm 1130, Fort Leonard Wood, Mo 65473
Cost: Varies by class cost, call for details
Phone: (573) 596-0300
Email: leonardwood@redcross.org
Resource Provider: Other Government Agencies
Last Updated: 12/20/2022
Anger Management
Anger Management Class will teach coping with hassles and stress. Topics include; what is anger? What causes anger? How to stress less? and How to control your anger? Please ask about our other classes too!
Category: Anger Management, Stress Management, Coping Skills
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
When: Monday - Friday: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Where: Building 486 Replacement Ave, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-596-0212
Resource Provider: Army Community Service (ACS)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Annual Drinking Water Quality Report
These annual compliance reports must address violations of national primary drinking water regulations with respect to maximum contaminant levels, treatment techniques, significant monitoring requirements, variances and exemptions. Maximum contaminant level violations occur when a contaminant exceeds the maximum level allowed in drinking water. Monitoring violations occur when a system fails to perform required monitoring or fails to submit the monitoring by the deadline. Treatment technique violations occur when a water system fails to meet a specified treatment goal.
Category: Environmental Health, Food Safety
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-751-1300
Resource Provider: US Army Garrison (USAG)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Armed Forces Bank (Stand Alone)
Armed Forces Bank is a family-owned business dedicated to supporting the financial well-being of the individuals and businesses within our communities. They provide a wide variety of affordable, competitively priced, and easily accessible credit and retail banking services through an extensive network of branches (most available 7 days a week) and ATM locations, toll-free customer service numbers, a toll-free 24-hour automated account information line, online banking, and mobile banking. Their products and Services include: Checking and Saving accounts, Money market accounts, wire transfer services, check saving services, personal loans, credit cards, home equity line of credit, residential mortgages, business accounts, and business loans.
Category: Banking
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: All Service members and their families
When: Mon - Fri.: 9 am - 4:30 pm; Drive Thru: Mon. - Fri.: 8 am - 5 pm
Where: 484 Nebraska Ave, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473 (By the Commissary)
Cost: $-$$ prices vary
Phone: 1-573-329-2000
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Armed Forces Wellness Center
Promote enhanced and sustained healthy lifestyles to the FLW community. Wellness classes vary, please call for a schedule or check out their Facebook page.
Category: Health and Medical Benefits, Other Education Resources, Nutrition, Other Health Resources, Physical Fitness, Sleep, Stress Management, Tobacco Cessation, Women's Health, Weight Management
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Service Members
Intended for: Service members, DA Civilians, Family Members, and dependents 16 years of age and olde
When: Office Hours: Mon - Thurs 0700-1050, 1150-1600, Friday 0700-1050, 1150-1300 Call for more information
Where: 14122 3rd Street, BLDG 350 Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-596-9677
Resource Provider: Army Public Health Nursing (APHN)
Last Updated: 1/4/2024
Army Community Service (ACS)
ACS serves as the installation's primary coordinating resource agency. ACS provides a multitude of community based services that foster growth, development, and readiness of families assigned to the installation.
Category: Other Education Resources, Finding a Job, Job Training, Other Employment Resources, Families and Deployment, Parenting, Special Needs Families, Other Family Resources, Financial Planning
Population: Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: FLW Community
When: Monday - Friday: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Where: BLDG 486, Replacement Ave. Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-596-0212
Resource Provider: Army Community Service (ACS)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Army Emergency Relief (AER)
Interest free loans or grants for financial emergencies. Money can be used to help pay for basic living needs, emergency leave, funeral costs, or other approved costs. Applications must meet the eligibility requirements to apply.
Category: Emergency Planning, Family Safety, Other Family Resources, Other Local Emergency Services
Population: Service Members
Intended for: FLW Community
When: Office Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Where: BLDG 486 Replacement Ave., Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: Meet Eligibility Requirement; Interest Free
Phone: 573-596-0212
Email: leon.dmwr@conus.army.mil
Resource Provider: Army Emergency Relief (AER)
Last Updated: 6/5/2024
Army Pregnancy Postpartum Physical Training (P3T) EDUCATION
Pregnancy and Postpartum Physical Training (P3T) education provides training for enhanced knowledge, skills, and resources to assist Soldiers during pregnancy and postpartum, and prepare Soldiers for delivery, recovery, and parenting.
Category: Pregnancy
Population: Service Members
Intended for: Service members, Spouses, partners, family members are welcome to attend educatio nclasses
When: Every Tuesday from 0630-0730
Where: Public Health Nursing Classroom, GLWACH
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-596-0518
Resource Provider: Defense Health Agency (DHA)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Army Pregnancy Postpartum Physical Training (P3T) EXERCISE SESSIONS
Pregnancy and Postpartum Physical Training (P3T) exercise sessions assist Soldiers in maintaining optimal fitness during pregnancy and improving readiness postpartum, to return a fit Soldier back to unit PRT after maternity leave and the postpartum period.
Category: Women's Health, Pregnancy, Physical Fitness
Population: Service Members
Intended for: Female AD Service Members
When: call for schedule
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-596-0518
Resource Provider: Army Public Health Nursing (APHN)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP)
To provide Commanders, Unit Prevention Leaders (UPLs), Soldiers, DA Civilians, and Family Members the education and training necessary to make informed decisions about alcohol and other drug use, to provide commanders the resources and tools to meet their required annual alcohol and other drug awareness training requirement IAW AR 600-85, and provide prevention tools to deter substance abuse. ASAP is the proponent for Suicide Prevention and provides education and training to Active Duty, Family Members, and DoD Civilians. ASAP is the proponent for the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) which provides services for DoD Civilians and Family Members of Active Duty.
Category: Drug and Substance Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Other Education Resources, Other Behavioral Health Resources, Other Family Resources, Stress Management, Suicide and Self-Harm, Gambling Addiction, Leader Support, Other Military Resources
Population: Family Members, Service Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: The program provides prevention, education, drug testing, EAP, Community and Ready and Resilient Integrator, risk reduction, and suicide prevention.
When: Monday - Friday: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Where: 14060 Replacement Ave., BLDG 486, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: (573) 596-0938
Resource Provider: Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP)
Last Updated: 7/1/2024
ASYMCA - Fort Leonard Wood
The Armed Services YMCA of MO operates more than 30 programs and services a month/ Last year, they served over 11,000 military service members and their families. Their activities are customized to meet the specific needs of the military communities in which they operate. Some programs include, but are not limited to; Annual Art Contest, Community Service Requirements, Afterschool Adventures, Warriors in Town, Operation Hero, Mom and Me Craft Classes, Summer Camps for Military Kids, Military Family Camping Weekend, Story Hours, Operation Ride Home, Operation Kid Comfort, Babysitting basics/CPR/First Aid, Help Me Learn, Arthritis Foundation Exercise program, Zumba with the ASY, ASYMCA Youth Basketball League.
Category: Youth and Teen Activities
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: Membership Required
When: Monday-Friday 0830-1600
Where: 13900 Replacement Ave, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: $$, Price of participation varies and is program based.
Phone: 1-573-329-4513
Resource Provider: YMCA
Last Updated: 10/8/2024
Auto Skills Center
The Auto Skills Center offers: 4 flat car bays, 5 lift car bays, 1 motorcycle bay, mechanics, a vehicle storage lot, a coin operated car wash, a computerized and manual information center, safety equipment (including eye and ear protection, OSHA eye wash areas), basic car care classes and on site car repair.
Category: Automotive Crafts Shop
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: Self Help and Full Service, experienced technicians on hand to help you with your automotive needs.
When: Mon., Thu., Fri., 1100-1900 Sat-Sun 0900-1700, Holidays 0900-1700
Where: 7584 Nebraska Ave., Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: $-$$$, Cost of Services Varies
Phone: 573-596-0243
Resource Provider: Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (FMWR)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
B.O.S.S. Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers
To continually progress and improve the quality of life for single Service Members on Fort Leonard Wood. To provide and participate in social, recreational, and educational events, to participate in community service projects, to voice concerns and issues on quality of life, and to be involved with leadership developing activities.
Category: Single Parent Families, Single Service Member Activities, Other Social and Spiritual Resources, Relationship Building
Population: Service Members
Intended for: Bachelor Service Members, single parents, and international students
When: First and Third Thursday of the month
Where: 496 Constitution Ave Bldg 496, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: $-$$$$, Price of participation varies upon events.
Phone: 573-563-5967
Resource Provider: Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers (BOSS)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Balfour Beatty (Fort Leonard Wood Homes)
Community Leasing Office
Category: Housing and Temporary Lodging
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Service Members
Intended for: Military personnel and their families and DoD civilian and authorized employees
When: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday: 8: 00 am - 5:00 pm; Wednesdays: 8:00 am - 7:00 pm; Saturdays: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm and Sundays: 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Where: 235 Ellis St. Fort Leonard Wood MO 65473
Cost: $-$$$$, Varies by service
Phone: 573-329-0122 or 573-596-1080
Resource Provider: Military Housing
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Category: Barber and Beauty Shops
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: General Public
When: call for schedule
Where: BLDG 3201
Cost: $-$$ prices vary
Phone: Main Exchange 573-578-7777; MSCOE 1-573-329-3253
Resource Provider: Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES)
Last Updated: 10/7/2024
Beauty Shop
Beauty Salon
Category: Barber and Beauty Shops
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: General Public
Where: BLDG 487
Cost: $-$$ prices vary
Phone: 1-573-329-2212
Resource Provider: Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Before and After School Program (School Age Center)
The program offers structural and recreational activities that enhance the development of school age children. Transportation is provided to and from designated post schools.
Category: Youth and Teen Activities, Schools K-12, Other Recreation Resources
Population: Family Members
Intended for: Centers vary by dependents age. Please call Central Parent Services for more details.
When: Monday - Friday: 5:30 am - 5:30 pm; Closed on Federal Holidays
Where: 616 Replacement Ave. Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: Income-based
Phone: (573) 596-0239
Resource Provider: Child Youth and School Services (CYSS)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Brain Injury Association of Missouri
A non-profit organization providing support, education, recreation, referral services, and advocacy for persons with brain injury and their families. Support groups are offered in the Fort Leonard Wood area.
Category: Other Medical Resources
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: General Public
When: Online Resource, please refer to the website for more information
Where: 2265 Schuetz Rd, St. Louis, MO 63146
Cost: 0
Phone: 314-426-4024 ; 800-444-6443
Email: info@biomo.org
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Bruce C. Clark Community Library
Children's Library and Media Zone
Category: Libraries, Other Education Resources, Other Social and Spiritual Resources, Child Health and Development
Population: Family Members
Intended for: Entire military community; must have a military/dependent ID
When: Hours of Operation: Monday - Thursday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm; Friday 0800-1400 by appointment only; Closed Saturday & Sunday; Closed on federal Holidays
Where: 14020 MSCOE Loop Bldg 3202, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: (573) 563-4113
Resource Provider: US Army Garrison (USAG)
Last Updated: 6/5/2024
Buddhist Services
Thursdays MS Teams 0500 and Facebook Group at 1900
Category: Clubs, Ministry, Other Social and Spiritual Resources, Pastoral Counseling, Relationship Building, Religious Community Groups, Religious Education, Single Service Member Activities, Worship Services
Population: Family Members, Service Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: Military, Military families, Retirees, authorized civilians.
When: Thursdays; MS Teams 0500 and Facebook Group 1900
Where: MS Teams and Facebook Group
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-596-2127
Resource Provider: Chaplains Office
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Burger King
Fast Food: Burgers and fries
Category: Food and Dining
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: General Public
When: Monday - Friday: 6:00 am - 8:00 pm; Sat: 7:00 am - 8:00 pm; Sun: 0800-6:00 pm
Where: BLDG 491, 266 Constitution St., Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: $-$$ prices vary
Phone: 1-573-329-3952
Resource Provider: Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Casualty Assistance Center
To provide compassionate unwavering support to families of our deceased, wounded, and unaccounted-for Soldiers; while ensuring plans, programs, policies and systems remain updated in order to provide timely and accurate information and set the conditions for success. Additionally, assist active duty Soldiers in the event of loss of spouse or child.
Category: Other Education Resources, Other Behavioral Health Resources, Legal Assistance, Other Installation Resources, Other Military Resources, Other Local Emergency Services
Population: Family Members, Service Members
Intended for: Family members
When: Monday - Friday: 7:00 am -5:00 pm (Central Time)
Where: Mailing Address: Military Personnel Office, ATTN: IMWE-LNW-HRM-C (Casualty), 140 Replacement Ave, Suite 2116, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: Toll free: 800-350-7746; 573-596-0134; 573-596-0138; 573-596-0740; After Hours: Toll Free: 800-350-7746 or 573-596-0134; 573-596-0138; Line of Duty (LD Only): 573-59
Email: askhrc.army@us.army.mil
Resource Provider: Casualty Assistance Office or Center (CAO, CAC)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Catholic Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD)
Classes meets on Sundays from 1:00 pm - 12:30 pm at the installation Chaplains Office, Bldg. 6501 Indiana Ave (Old Persing Elementary School). Classes are for those going into Kindergarten through Confirmation class (the child must be 13 years of age and in the 8th grade to be confirmed). POC is Patricia Johnson, Catholic Religious Education Coordinator, 596-3913.
Category: Clubs, Ministry, Other Social and Spiritual Resources, Pastoral Counseling, Relationship Building, Religious Community Groups, Religious Education
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: Military, Military families, Retirees, authorized civilians.
When: 1st Communion & Confirmation Classes in person 11-1230, Bldg 6501 and 6th & 7th grades virtual 1100-1230
Where: BLDG 6501 Indiana Ave, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-596-2127
Resource Provider: Chaplains Office
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Catholic Daily Mass
Catholic Daily Mass
Category: Clubs, Ministry, Other Social and Spiritual Resources, Pastoral Counseling, Relationship Building, Religious Community Groups, Religious Education, Single Service Member Activities, Worship Services
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
When: Monday - Friday 1140, also available virtually
Where: Soldier Memorial Chapel, Fort Leonard Wood
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-596-2127
Resource Provider: Religious Support Office (RSO)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Catholic Mass
Mass for IET Military
Category: Clubs, Coping Skills, Marriage and Divorce Counseling, Ministry, Other Social and Spiritual Resources, Pastoral Counseling, Relationship Building, Religious Community Groups, Religious Education, Single Service Member Activities, Worship Services
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: Target audience is IET Service Members
When: Saturday 1700 and Sunday 0900
Where: Soldier Memorial Chapel (SMC) Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-596-2127
Resource Provider: Chaplains Office
Last Updated: 5/3/2024
Catholic Mass
Catholic Services held at Soldier Memorial Chapel
Category: Clubs, Ministry, Other Social and Spiritual Resources, Pastoral Counseling, Relationship Building, Religious Community Groups, Religious Education, Single Service Member Activities, Worship Services
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: Military, Military families, Retirees, authorized civilians.
When: Saturdays Soldier Memorial Chapel 1700 & Sunday, Soldier Memorial Chapel 0900. Both services available virtually.
Where: Soldier Memorial Chapel
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-596-2127
Resource Provider: Chaplains Office
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Catholic Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults and Children (RCIA) (RCIC)
Catholic Rite of Christian initiation for Adults and Children (RCIA) (RCIC) meets during CCD at the installation Chaplains Office, BLDG 6501 Indiana Ave. (Old Pershing Elementary School). RCIA is a program for adults interested in learning more about the Catholic faith and/or preparing to receive the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Holy Communion, or Confirmation).
Category: Clubs, Ministry, Other Social and Spiritual Resources, Pastoral Counseling, Relationship Building, Religious Community Groups, Religious Education, Single Service Member Activities
Population: Retirees, Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Service Members
Intended for: Military, Military families, Retirees, authorized civilians.
When: Virtual TBD
Where: Virtual TBD
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-593-2127
Resource Provider: Chaplains Office
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Catholic Spanish Mass
3rd Saturday of each month, 1830 at Soldier Memorial Chapel (in-person only) Ends May 2021
Category: Clubs, Ministry, Other Social and Spiritual Resources, Pastoral Counseling, Relationship Building, Religious Community Groups, Religious Education, Single Service Member Activities, Worship Services
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
When: 3rd Saturday of each month 1830
Where: Soldier Memorial Chapel, Fort Leonard Wood
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-596-2127
Resource Provider: Religious Support Office (RSO)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Catholic Women of the Chapel (CWOC)
Fridays, Main Post Chapel 0900-1100
Category: Clubs, Ministry, Other Social and Spiritual Resources, Pastoral Counseling, Relationship Building, Religious Community Groups, Religious Education, Single Service Member Activities
Population: Family Members, Civilian Personnel, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: Women of Military Community
When: Fridays, 0900-1100
Where: Main Post Chapel
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-596-2127
Resource Provider: Chaplains Office
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Catholic Youth (CYOC)
No meeting, no teacher currently
Category: Clubs, Ministry, Other Social and Spiritual Resources, Pastoral Counseling, Relationship Building, Religious Community Groups, Religious Education, Single Service Member Activities, Worship Services
Population: Family Members, Civilian Personnel, Service Members, Retirees
Intended for: Youth of the Military Community
When: Not meeting until further notice
Where: TBD
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-596-2127
Resource Provider: Chaplains Office
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Central Texas College
The Fort Leonard Wood campus provides educational guidance, registration assistance to both onsite and distance learning students as well as an on campus VA Certifying Official. Proctored Testing services available to both CTC and non-CTC students. CTC offers the highest quality of education with faculty who are recognized experts in their given field. Central Texas College offers low cost per credit hour and there is no charge for admission or registration.
Category: Other Education Resources, Other Installation Resources, Other Social and Spiritual Resources
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: FLW Community
When: Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Where: 268 Constitution Ave., Suite 9, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: $$$$$; Varies by course load, program, tuition/financial aid.
Phone: (573) 329-5550
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
CFNCO, Command Financial Non-Commissioned Officer Program
Voluntary Self-Paced Financial Certification Course for Noncommissioned Officers.
Category: Financial Planning, Other Education Resources
Population: Service Members
Intended for: Non-Commissioned Officers
When: Office Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Where: BLDG 486 Replacement Ave., Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: Contact Financial Readiness at 1-573-596-0212; 573-596-2078
Resource Provider: Army Community Service (ACS)
Last Updated: 10/8/2024
Child Development Center - Full Day Programs
Is available Monday thru Friday 0530 - 1730. The full day program provides care for children six weeks up to kindergarten who require care five to 12 hours per day on a regular basis. Fees are based on total family income.
Category: Child Care
Population: Civilian Personnel, Service Members, Family Members
Intended for: Dependents/Families
When: Monday - Friday: 5:30 am - 5:30 pm
Where: BLDG 614, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: $$-$$$, Cost varies by program/services/income
Phone: 1-573-596-0197/0210
Resource Provider: Child Development Center (CDC)
Last Updated: 6/13/2024
Child Development Center - Hourly Care
Is offered Monday thru Friday from 0800-1700. The hourly care program is designed as a short-term childcare option for parents with short term or irregular needs. Reservations for hourly care may be made up to, but not more than, 30 days in advance. Although some drop-in spaces may be available daily, advance reservations are highly recommended. Spaces are available on a first come, first serve basis. Parents who need to cancel their reservations must do so at least one hour prior to the reserved time.
Category: Child Care, Parenting
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Service Members
Intended for: Dependents/Families
When: Monday - Friday 5:30 am - 5:30 pm
Where: BLDG 615, Replacement Ave, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: $$-$$$, Cost varies by program/services
Phone: 1-573-596-0197/0210
Resource Provider: Child Development Center (CDC)
Last Updated: 6/13/2024
Child Development Center - Part Day Preschool Program
The part day preschool program is designed for children ages three to five. Children attend three hours, three days per week. The Part day preschool program operates from September through May. Part day preschool takes a winter break during the Christmas holiday season.
Category: Child Care, Parenting
Population: Civilian Personnel, Service Members, Family Members
Intended for: Dependents/Families
When: Monday - Friday: 5:30 am - 5:30 pm
Where: BLDG 470, Suite 1126, 140 Replacement Ave., Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: $$-$$$, Cost varies by program/services
Phone: 1-573-596-0197/0210
Resource Provider: Child Development Center (CDC)
Last Updated: 6/13/2024
Child Development Center - Strong Beginnings; Pre-K Program
Is available Monday thru Friday 0830 - 1130 for children who turn five by July 31.
Category: Child Care, Parenting
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: Dependents/Families
When: Monday - Friday: 5:30 am - 5:30 pm
Where: BLDG 408, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: $$-$$$, Cost varies by program/services
Phone: 1-573-596-0197/0210
Resource Provider: Child Development Center (CDC)
Last Updated: 6/13/2024
Child Development Center (CDC)
The CDC is a nationally accredited childcare option for working parents wanting peer social interaction for their children. Curriculum is based on the individual interest and development of each child. The CDC offers a variety of programs. All parents must attend an orientation prior to attending any program at the CDC. Orientation dates and times vary for each program at the CDC. Parent Central Services will schedule an appointment at the time of registration.
Category: Child Care, Parenting
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: Dependents/Families
When: Monday - Friday: 5:30 am - 5:30 pm
Where: BLDG 615, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: $$-$$$, Cost varies by program/services
Phone: 1-573-596-0197/0210
Resource Provider: Child Development Center (CDC)
Last Updated: 6/13/2024
Christ Fit
Religious Education
Category: Clubs, Ministry, Other Social and Spiritual Resources, Pastoral Counseling, Relationship Building, Religious Community Groups, Religious Education, Single Service Member Activities
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: Military, Military families, Retirees, authorized civilians.
When: Wednesdays 1830-2000
Where: Main Post Chapel, (MPC) 608 Minnesota Ave. Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473/Virtual
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-596-2127
Resource Provider: Chaplains Office
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Columbia College
The Fort Leonard Wood campus provides a unique educational opportunity to working adults through its degree offerings and eight-week course format. As part of a network of campuses across the country and a robust online program, the college offers convenient courses to civilians, as well as military learners as well.
Category: Other Education Resources
Population: Family Members, Service Members, Civilian Personnel, Retirees
Intended for: Serving military, veterans, spouses, and civilians.
When: Office Hours: Monday - Thursday: 8:30 am - 5:30 pm; Fridays from 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Where: BLDG 499, Constitution Ave., Suite 14, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: $$$$$; Varies by course load, program, tuition/financial aid.
Phone: 1-573-329-4050
Email: ftwood@ccis.edu
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Store services include: ATM, Bakery, Deli, Fresh Sandwiches to go, Rotisserie Chicken, and Sushi
Category: Commissaries, Exchanges, and Shopettes
Population: Family Members, Retirees, Service Members, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: CAC ID Card Holders/Permissions, DoD Beneficiaries
When: Monday - Saturday 9:00 am-7:00 pm and Sunday: 10:00 am-6:00 pm; Deli Hours: Monday - Saturday 9:00 am-6:00 pm and Sunday: 10:00 am-6:00 pm; Early Bird Hours: Monday - Friday (only) 7:00 am -9:00 am
Where: 689 Nebraska Ave., Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: $-$$$$, prices vary
Phone: 1-573-596-0689; 1-573-596-0783
Email: christine.concepcion@deca.mil; qahir.abdur-rahman@deca.mil
Resource Provider: Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Compass Community Health
Compass Community Health provides mental health, family medicine, dental, and alcohol and drug treatment for individuals of all ages. They partner with other community organizations to identify gaps in services. In some communities this means they assist with housing, emergency room diversion services, veterans’ services, suicide prevention as well as other supportive services.
Category: Other Behavioral Health Resources, Other Medical Resources
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: General Public
When: Monday - Friday : 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Where: Multiple Locations
Phone: 844-853-8937
Email: http://compasshealthnetwork.org/contact-us/
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 1/5/2024
Cope House (Crisis Hotline)
COPE Inc. is a non-profit agency that provides emergency shelter to victims of family violence, a 24-hour crisis intervention hotline, legal advocacy, financial assistance, parenting help, outreach services, referrals to other community agencies and resources to victims of violent crimes in a four-county area within southwest Missouri. Cope House serves the City of Lebanon and Laclede County as well as adjacent Dallas, Texas, and Wright counties, however, their work is not necessarily confined to these boundaries. It is not uncommon for a victim to travel across counties or state lines in order to escape from their abuser. Because of this dynamic, clients come from across the region, the state, and the entire country.
Category: Child Abuse and Neglect, Domestic Violence, Crime Prevention
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Civilian Personnel, Retirees
Intended for: At-risk families, women and children
When: 24/7; Call for more information
Where: 590 W Hayes St, Lebanon, MO 65536
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-877-275-0930; 1-417-532-2885
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Crime Stoppers
Crime Stoppers USA is the national Crime Stoppers organization that spans the United States to create a network of local programs that work together to prevent and solve crimes in communities and schools across the nation.
Category: Other Local Emergency Services
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Civilian Personnel, Retirees
Intended for: General Public
When: 24/7
Where: 194 Eastlawn Ave Suite A, St. Robert MO 65584
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-451-2677; 800-222-8477
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Criminal Investigation Command (CID)
Civilian criminal investigators DO NOT investigate general crimes, but are specialist in areas of investigation computer system intrusions, polygraphy, operations, sexual assault, investigative policy and major contract procurement fraud.
Category: Other Safety Resources
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: Military personnel and their families and civilian authorized employees
When: Call for Hours of operation per service
Where: BLDG 560 Virginia Street, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-596-0273/8029; DSN: 581
Resource Provider: Criminal Investigation Division (CID)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Crocker Police Department
Community Emergency Services
Category: Police
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Service Members, Retirees
Intended for: General Public/Surrounding Communities
When: 24/7
Where: 108 S Commercial St., Crocker, MO 65452
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-736-2211
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Crocker R-2 School District
Servicing Crocker Communities.
Category: Other Education Resources, Schools K-12, Preschool
Population: Family Members, Service Members, Civilian Personnel, Retirees
Intended for: All; K -12; School age dependents, civilians
When: Office Hours: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Where: 601 N Commercial St. Crocker MO 65452
Cost: 0
Phone: (573) 736-5000
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Crossroads Worship Service
Sundays, Main Post Chapel 1100
Category: Clubs, Ministry, Other Social and Spiritual Resources, Pastoral Counseling, Relationship Building, Religious Community Groups, Religious Education, Single Service Member Activities, Worship Services
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
When: Sundays 1100
Where: Main Post Chapel, 608 Minnesota Ave Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-596-2127
Resource Provider: Religious Support Office (RSO)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
CYBC Office
Category: Conflict Resolution, Coping Skills, Grief and Loss, Stress Management, Other Behavioral Health Resources, Other Health Resources, Anger Management, Anxiety, Deployment Readiness, Attention Deficit or Hyperactivity Disorder
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
When: Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Where: Different meeting sites on Fort Leonard Wood please call for details.
Cost: 0
Phone: (573) 934-0984
Resource Provider: Military and Family Life Counseling Program (MFLC)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Daugherty Bowling Center
Bowling and Game room. Food available.
Category: Other Recreation Resources, Sports - Adult, Sports - Youth, Food and Dining
Population: Retirees, Civilian Personnel, Service Members, Family Members
When: Thursday 1100-1900, Friday & Saturday 1100-2200, Sunday 1100-1900
Where: 7077 Illinois Ave Bldg. 1609 Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: $$
Phone: 573-596-1498
Resource Provider: Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (FMWR)
Last Updated: 8/2/2022
Davidson Fitness Center (Indoor Pool)
25-meter indoor swimming pool in Fort Leonard Wood and the main Mission/Training pool. Recreational swimming, pool parties, swimming lessons and lifeguard training are also available.
Category: Other Health Resources, Weight Management, Stress Management, Fitness Centers, Swimming
Population: Civilian Personnel, Retirees, Family Members, Service Members
Intended for: DoD ID Card holders and authorized Army Civilians
When: Closed Until Further Notice
Where: BLDG 1300, S Dakota Ave, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: $-$$, Price of participation varies. Lap Swim- FREE, Recreational swim- $3/pp or $8/family
Phone: 1-573-596-7450 *2810; 1-573-596-4359
Resource Provider: Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (FMWR)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Davidson Fitness Center: Group Classes
Canceled until further notice
Category: Weight Management, Fitness Centers
Population: Family Members, Service Members, Civilian Personnel, Retirees
Intended for: No cost for facility use to Service members.
When: Canceled until further notice
Where: 1300 S Dakota Ave, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: $-$$$$, Price of classes varies.
Phone: 1-573-596-4223
Resource Provider: Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (FMWR)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Davidson Fitness Center: Gym
Fitness opportunities for the whole family. The facility has basketball, racquetball, and volleyball courts; an indoor swimming pool, indoor track; Nautilus and free weights, cardio equipment, a fitness theater, locker rooms and equipment check-out.
Category: Other Health Resources, Fitness Centers
Population: Family Members, Service Members, Civilian Personnel, Retirees
Intended for: No cost for facility use to Service members.
When: Monday-Friday 0500-0800 (Active Duty); 0900-1500, 1600-1900 (All Authorized Patrons); Saturdays and Sundays 0800-1300, 1400-1900 (All Authorized Patrons)
Where: 1300 S Dakota Ave, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-596-4359
Resource Provider: Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (FMWR)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Davidson Fitness Center: Intramural Sports
Davidson Fitness center oversees the sports programs and hosts annual tournaments. 14 Softball fields, 9 soccer fields, 12 tennis courts. Additional multi-use softball fields, flag football fields, youth athletic fields, and 400-meter all weather track are also available.
Category: Fitness Centers, Clubs
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: No cost for facility use to Service members.
When: Varies (Call or stop in for a schedule; Calendar posted on The Guidon)
Where: 1300 S Dakota Ave, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: $-$$$$, Price of services varies.
Phone: 1-573-596-4223
Resource Provider: Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (FMWR)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
To determine the eligibility and issue identification cards and maintain/update information in the DEERS database. Provide professional, quality customer service to all Soldiers, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian and Contract Employees. Walk in customers will be seen all day, but please take note that customers with appointments will take precedence over walk in customers (You can make an appointment at https://rapids-appointments.dmdc.osd.mil/appointment/building.aspx?BuildingId=274).
Category: ID Cards
Population: Family Members, Civilian Personnel, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: Soldiers, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian and Contract employees.
When: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday 0800-1600; Thursday 0800-1200
Where: BLDG 470, 13486 Replacement Ave., 2nd Floor, Room 2101, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-596-0744
Resource Provider: Directorate of Human Resources (DHR)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Defense Suicide Prevention Office
Defense Suicide Prevention Office serves as the government oversight authority for the strategic development, implementation, centralization, standardization, communication and evaluation of Defense Department suicide and risk reduction programs, policies and surveillance activities to reduce the impact of suicide on service members and their families.
Category: Suicide and Self-Harm, Other Behavioral Health Resources, Other Education Resources, Education Assistance for Survivors
Population: Family Members, Service Members
Intended for: Service members and their families
When: 24/7
Where: Online Resource
Cost: 0
Phone: 800-273-8255 ext 1
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Delta Dental Plan
Private individual affordable dental plans/insurance and resources.
Category: Dental and Oral Health
Population: Retirees, Family Members, Service Members
Intended for: General Public
When: 24/7; Online Resource
Where: Online Resource
Cost: $-$$$$, Varies by service and plan coverage
Phone: 1-888-838-8737
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Directorate of Emergency Services (DES) FLW
911 and Military Police Desk: Check out the DES website for more information on off limit areas, cell phone use while driving, law enforcement operations, fire and other emergencies.
Category: Emergency Planning, Workplace Violence, Other Safety Resources, Crime Prevention
Population: Service Members, Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees
Intended for: ALL FLW Community
When: 24/7
Where: 13635 South Dakota Ave, Bldg 1000 Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-596-6141
Resource Provider: Directorate of Emergency Services (DES)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Dixon Police Department
Community Emergency Services
Category: Emergency Planning, First Aid and CPR, Crime Prevention, Other Safety Resources, Risk Management, Workplace Violence, Conflict Resolution, Other Social and Spiritual Resources, Police
Population: Retirees, Civilian Personnel, Service Members, Family Members
Intended for: General Public/Surrounding Communities
When: 24/7
Where: 299 S. Elm Street, Dixon, MO 6549
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-759-6610
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Dixon R-1 School District
The mission of the Dixon R-I School District is to create a learning community that maximizes each students opportunity for success. The staff is dedicated to helping every child reach these goals and are appreciative of the communities efforts in helping them succeed.
Category: Other Education Resources, Child Health and Development, Other Family Resources, Schools K-12, Preschool, Parenting, Single Parent Families, Youth and Teen Activities
Population: Retirees, Service Members, Civilian Personnel, Family Members
Intended for: All; K -12; School age dependents, civilians
When: Office Hours: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Where: 106 W 4th Street, Dixon, MO 65459
Cost: 0
Phone: Main Office: 1-573-759-7163
Email: http://dixonr1.com/common/controls/general/email/Default.aspx?action=sendemailtousandrecipients=webmaster%40dixonr1.com
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
DoD Safe Help Line (Sexual Assault Hotline)
Department of Defense (DoD) Safe Helpline is a groundbreaking crisis support service for members of the DoD community affected by sexual assault. Safe Helpline provides live, one-on-one support, and information to the worldwide DoD community. The services are confidential, anonymous, secure, and available worldwide, 24/7 by click, call or text — providing victims with the help they need anytime, anywhere. The Safe Helpline also provides awareness for the prevention of sexual assault, and if the assault occurs, the provision of information, services, and support is given to the victim; there is a coordination and integration of victim services and training for military units.
Category: Workplace Violence, Sexual Assault
Population: Retirees, Service Members, Family Members, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: Army Community
When: 24/7
Where: Online Resource/Help Line
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-528-4098; 877-995-5247
Resource Provider: Other Military Service Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Dru Pippin Youth Center
The Middle School Teen Center offers a wide range of activities for youth in 6th-12th grades. These activities include open recreation, dances, lock-ins, parties, day trips and day camps. The youth center also provides a daily after-school program. All youth must be registered with CYS Services.
Category: Child Care
Population: Family Members, Service Members, Civilian Personnel, Retirees
Intended for: Dependents
When: Monday - Friday: 2:30 pm - 7:00 pm, Closed Saturday & Sunday
Where: Pippin Youth Center (PYC), BLDG 9625, 2538 Young Street, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: Free, Trips, lock-ins, and tournaments may be participated in for cost, contact resource for more information.
Phone: 573-596-0209
Resource Provider: Child Youth and School Services (CYSS)
Last Updated: 6/13/2024
Drug Disposal
Most unused and unneeded pharmaceuticals can be disposed in special drop boxes located at the pharmacy. This removes potentially harmful medications from the home and provides environmentally safe disposal. Contact the Pharmacy for any special concerns.
Category: Environmental Health, Drug and Substance Abuse, Family Safety
Population: Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
When: Mon-Fri 0800-1800; closed Thur 1300-1400; Sat 0800-1700 closed 1200-1300
Where: Gen Leonard Wood Army Community Hospital, 4430 Missouri Ave, Fort Leonard Wood, MD 65473
Cost: None
Phone: 573-596-0514
Resource Provider: Defense Health Agency (DHA)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Drury University
The Fort Leonard Wood and St. Robert Annex campuses offers over 200 courses a year in over 30 degree programs including the Associates of Science, Bachelors of Science, and Masters degrees, as well as the Service members Opportunity College and the Troops to Teachers Program.
Category: Higher Education
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Civilian Personnel, Retirees
Intended for: Serving military, veterans, spouses, and civilians.
When: Office Hours: Mon - Thu: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm; Friday: 11:30 am - 5:00 pm
Where: 194 Eastlawn Ave., Suite C, St. Robert, MO 65584
Cost: $$$$$; Varies by course load, program, tuition/financial aid.
Phone: 1-573-451-2400/573-329-4400
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 11/4/2022
EFMP Information and Support
The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is a mandatory enrollment per DoD Inst 1342.17 AR 608-75 for any service member who has a family member with medical, mental health or educational needs. The Department of Defense is now requiring the losing and gaining installations to query service members on EFMP issues and to educate them on the regulation and services available. If a service member qualifies, they are directed to complete the evaluation and enrollment process. EFMP enrollment ensures that medical, mental health and/or education services are available at the installation to which the Service member is assigned. ALARACT 325/2011 now requires that Commander review include EFMP enrollment status as part of Service member readiness. The Army Community Service (ACS) EFMP Manager is able to provide resources and referrals to community services, schools, support groups, educational workshops and recreational activities. Enrollment in EFMP ensures that required services are avai
Category: Blended Families, Child Care, Child Health and Development, Family Safety, Infants, Other Family Resources, Special Needs Families, Single Parent Families, Parenting, Youth and Teen Activities
Population: Family Members, Service Members
Intended for: Service members and their families
When: Office Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Where: BLDG 486 Replacement Ave., Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-596-0212
Resource Provider: Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)
Last Updated: 6/13/2024
Emergency Contact Listing to provide a universal, easy-to-remember number for people to reach the police, fire, or emergency medical assistance from any phone in any location, without having to look up specific phone numbers.
Category: Other Local Emergency Services
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Civilian Personnel, Retirees
Intended for: General public
When: 24/7
Where: BLDG 1000, South Dakota Ave., Fort Leonard Wood, Mo 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 911
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Emergency Message Services - provided by the American Red Cross
The American Red Cross links members of the U.S Armed Forces with their families during a crisis. 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, the Red Cross quickly sends emergency communications to deployed service members on behalf of their families.
Category: Other Medical Resources, Other Military Resources, Other Local Emergency Services
Population: Family Members, Service Members
Intended for: ALL FLW Community
When: 24/7
Where: BLDG 496 Constitution Ave., Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-596-0300; 1-877-272-7337
Resource Provider: American Red Cross (ARC)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Confidential screening, short-term counseling, and referral services for a wide range of personal issues including substance abuse. Populations served include civilian employees, their family members, military family members, and military retirees. The EAP also provided consultation for supervisors of civilian employees.
Category: Alcohol Abuse, Drug and Substance Abuse, Anger Management, Anxiety, Depression, Other Behavioral Health Resources, Suicide and Self-Harm, Workplace Discrimination and Harassment, Other Employment Resources, Stress Management, Other Health Resources
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees
Intended for: Department of Army Civilians and their Families; Retirees and Dependents of Active Duty and Retirees
When: Monday-Friday, 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Where: 14060 Replacement Ave. BLDG 486 Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: (573) 596-7199; (573) 596-0938, For DHA employees EAP services are provided by Magellan 1-866-580-9046
Resource Provider: Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Last Updated: 11/25/2024
Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD)
Emergency Contact Listing; research and identify ordnance, assist in the preparation and use of advanced robotics, explosively disposing of hazardous ordinance, and prepares and maintains tools, equipment, and vehicles.
Category: Other Local Emergency Services
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: Department of Army Civilians and their families
Where: BLDG 1000, South Dakota Ave., Fort Leonard Wood, Mo 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-596-2818; 1-573-563-8233
Resource Provider: Directorate of Emergency Services (DES)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Family Child Care (FCC)
FCC providers are trained, certified and monitored by the Army Child, Youth and School Services Division. Providers must complete background clearances and pre-screening before opening. They also attend a comprehensive training program which continues as long as they provide child care
Category: Child Care
Population: Family Members, Civilian Personnel, Service Members
Intended for: Dependents/Families
When: Monday - Friday: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Where: BLDG 470
Cost: $$-$$$, Cost varies by program/services
Phone: 1-573-596-0185
Resource Provider: Child Youth and School Services (CYSS)
Last Updated: 6/13/2024
Family Violence Response Line (Report all child abuse/neglect and domestic violence)
Emergency Contact Listing; If you are a victim of spousal or intimate partner sexual assault, or if you prefer a civilian advocate, call the Family Violence Response Line. Other community resources include the Medical Treatment Facility, and the Military Police, and 911.
Category: Child Abuse and Neglect, Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: ALL FLW Community
When: 24/7
Where: Family Advocacy/Victim Advocacy/ACS BLDG 486, Replacement Ave, Fort Leonard Wood, Mo 65473; GLWACH (Medical Treatment Facility) 126 Missouri Ave, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473, and Military Police Stati
Cost: 0
Phone: Response Line: 573-596-0446; Office: 1-573-596-0212; (Off Duty Pager) 1-888-491-1727; GLWACH (MTF) ER: 1-573-596-0456; BH: 1-573-596-0522; SW: 0573-596-1507; MP: 1-573-596-6141
Resource Provider: Family Advocacy Program (FAP)
Last Updated: 6/5/2024
Finance Office
Military pay/finance customer service.
Category: Financial Entitlements, Financial Planning
Population: Service Members
Intended for: Service Members
When: Office Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30 am - 4:00 pm
Where: 140 Replacement Ave. Rm 1123, Fort Leonard Wood MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-596-0710
Resource Provider: Directorate of Human Resources (DHR)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Financial Readiness
The Financial Readiness Program offers counseling and training for Soldiers and their families and ensures emergency assistance is available when needed. The mission of FRP is to reduce indebtedness, minimize the need for emergency financial assistance and prevent financial difficulties before they arise. Services include classes on money management, credit, financial planning, insurance and consumer issues. We help Soldiers and Army Families live within their means and provide for a brighter financial future.
Category: Financial Planning, Emergency Planning, Other Education Resources, Other Family Resources
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: Soldiers and their families
When: Office Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Where: BLDG 486 Replacement Ave., Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-596-0212
Resource Provider: Army Community Service (ACS)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Fire Department
To protect those who train, work and live on Fort Leonard Wood through progressive public fire and life safety education; proactive fire prevention inspections and facility construction reviews; efficient fire suppression, rescue services, and hazardous materials incident mitigation; and a readiness to respond to a weapons of mass destruction incident.
Category: Fire Department
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Civilian Personnel, Retirees
Intended for: ALL FLW Community
When: 24/7
Where: Fire Station 1: Bldg 580 North Dakota Ave, Fort Leonard Wood MO 65473; Fire Station 2: Bldg. 5001 Forney Airfield
Cost: 0
Phone: Fire Station 1: 573-596-0883, Fire Station 2: 573-596-0884
Resource Provider: Directorate of Emergency Services (DES)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Firestone Complete Auto Care
Certified technicians offering auto services in (but not limited to); tires, batteries, brakes, oil changes, alignment.
Category: Vehicle Services
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: General Public
When: Monday-Friday 0700-1900; Saturday 0700-1800; Sunday 0800-1700
Where: 150 Missouri Ave, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: $-$$$, Cost of Services Varies
Phone: 1-573-586-4107
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
FLW 24/7 Sexual Assault Response Program
The SHARP Program's mission is to reduce with an aim toward eliminating sexual offenses within the Army through cultural change, prevention, intervention, investigation, accountability, advocacy/response, assessment, and training to sustain the All-Volunteer Force.
Category: Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence
Population: Service Members
Intended for: Military personnel only
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-855-1327
Resource Provider: Sexual Harassment and Assault Response Prevention (SHARP)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
FLW IHG Hotels (Lodging Reservation)
Welcome to Fort Leonard Wood, home of the U.S. Army Maneuver Support Center of Excellence (MSCoE) who's mission is to provide the nation with values-based individuals, leaders, and teams trained in basic combat skills and chemical, engineering, military police and transportation disciplines. Located in Pulaski County, in the beautiful south central Missouri Ozarks, IHG Army Hotels Morelli Heights, is near Waynesville and St. Robert and 2 miles south of Interstate 44. St. Louis is a two-hour drive to the east along Interstate 44. Springfield, Missouri is a little more than an hour’s drive to the west. We offer nicely appointed comfortable guestrooms, including pet friendly rooms, and a number of complimentary amenities including: daily complimentary breakfast, free high speed internet, free weekly socials, free on-post shuttle service, and guest laundry facilities. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff looks forward to welcoming you no matter your mission. From work to play, all military
Category: Other Installation Resources, Other Family Resources, Other Relocation Resources, Housing and Temporary Lodging
Population: Family Members, Civilian Personnel, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: Military personnel and their families and civilian authorized employees
When: Hours of Operation: 9:00-5:30 pm
Where: Building 470, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: $-$$$, Cost Varies by rank/service requested, please call for more information.
Phone: 1-573-596-0999/0655; 1-800-677-8356
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
FLW On Post Taxi Services
The only authorized Taxi Services to pick up on post.
Category: Transportation
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: General Public
When: Open 24 Hours
Cost: $-$$$, Cost of Services Varies
Phone: Post Cab Co.: 1-573-336-0111; Union Cab Co.: 573-336-1111
Resource Provider: Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (FMWR)
Last Updated: 10/7/2024
FLW Spouses Club
The FWCSC allows members to connect with and be a part of a spirited and committed group of people who share a common vision and goal. While building long lasting friendships members enjoy countless opportunities to volunteer, such as the Craft Fair and Basket Auction in support of Community Outreach and Scholarship programs.
The monthly luncheons offer an opportunity to enjoy fellowship, support "Sharing is Caring" projects, and to have fun. Our purpose is to promote opportunities for our members to join in social, cultural, educational, and creative pursuits within the community.
Category: Clubs, Social Media
Population: Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: Individuals eligible for active membership include; spouses and surviving spouses of US Military ID cardholder, US – Sponsored Foreign Nationals or DOD Civilian ID cardholder. Individuals eligible for associate membership shall be members of the FLW community.
When: Check email for dates and events (ongoing)
Where: TBD by date and event; Frequently meets at the Pershing Community Center on Fort Leonard Wood; BLDG 4109, Piney Hills Dr. FLW, MO 65473 Mailing Address: P.O. B
Cost: $$, Price of participation and dues vary.
Phone: Contact via Email/Social Media
Email: presidentfwcsc@gmail.com
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 11/28/2022
FLW Thrift Store
The Thrift Shop's primary mission is to generate maximum profit through donation sales in order to grant scholarships to individuals and make financial contributions to community organizations. The secondary mission is consignments - a means for military families to generate nominal compensation for recycling their un-needed goods.
Category: Other Family Resources, Other Installation Resources
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: General Public
When: Closed Mon. Tue., Thu., and Fri., 9:00 am - 3:00 pm and Wed. and Pay day Sat from 10:00am - 2:00 pm
Where: BLDG 493 Replacement Ave. Fort Leonard Wood, MO 654473
Cost: $-$$$, Varies by item purchased all sales/profits go to benefit the community through grants/scholarships
Phone: 1-573-329-4707
Email: thriftshop@webound.com
Resource Provider: US Army Garrison (USAG)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Food Court - Main PX
Charley's Steakery: Mon-Sat:1030-1900 Sun: 1000-1800; Panda Express: Mon - Sun: 1030-1900; Sbarro: Mon - Sun: 1030-1900; Tater Patch: Mon - Sun: 1030-1900 Closed Tuesday; Aunties Anne's: Mon - Sun 1000-1700; Dunkin' Donuts: Mon - Tues: 0900-1500, Wed-Sunday 0700-1500; Ichiban: Tues - Sun: 1030-1900, Monday Closed
Category: Food and Dining
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: General Public
When: Daily 0900-1900
Where: 143 Replacement Ave, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: $-$$ prices vary by location
Phone: 1-573-329-2200
Resource Provider: Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES)
Last Updated: 10/7/2024
Fort Leonard Wood Base Operator
Emergency Contact Listing
Category: Other Local Emergency Services
Population: Service Members, Retirees, Family Members, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: ALL FLW Community
When: 24/7
Where: BLDG 1000, South Dakota Ave., Fort Leonard Wood, Mo 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-596-0131
Resource Provider: US Army Garrison (USAG)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Genesis House (Crisis Hotline)
Genesis House provides secure shelter, food, warmth, and safety to women and children who have fled dangerous living environments. They provide individual and group support, which their residents need to develop sustainable skills and opportunities for success.
Category: Other Local Emergency Services
Population: Family Members, Service Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: At-risk families, women and children
When: 24/7; Call for more information
Where: 1807 Historic 66, Waynesville, MO 65583
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-877-774-2628/ 1-573-774-2628
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
GLWACH Appointment Line
GLWACH is expanding the availability of virtual appointments. As GLWACH has reduced some of its non-urgent in-person appointments to limit possible exposure of both patients and staff to COVID-19, telehealth options are being implemented. Depending on your needs, a video or telephone appointment with your provider may be a booked as an alternative to an in-person appointment.
Category: Alcohol Abuse, Anger Management, Anxiety, Attention Deficit or Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism, Combat and Post-Traumatic Stress, Depression, Domestic Violence, Drug and Substance Abuse, Gambling Addiction, Other Behavioral Health Resources, Sexual Assault, Suicide and Self-Harm
Population: Service Members, Retirees, Family Members
Intended for: FLW Community
When: Monday - Friday: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Cost: Varies dependent on service and insurance coverage
Phone: 1-866-299-4234
Resource Provider: Defense Health Agency (DHA)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
GLWACH Behavioral Health (Clinical Support)
The GLWACH Behavior Health Service Line provides both individual and group therapy options and medication management to address mental health concerns. Accepting active duty members and dependent children of active duty service members.
Category: Alcohol Abuse, Anger Management, Anxiety, Attention Deficit or Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism, Combat and Post-Traumatic Stress, Depression, Domestic Violence, Drug and Substance Abuse, Gambling Addiction, Other Behavioral Health Resources, Sexual Assault, Suicide and Self-Harm
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: General Public
When: Office Hours: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Where: Main Hospital, basement floor, Room 63, 4430 Missouri Ave., Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: Varies
Phone: 1-573-596-0522
Resource Provider: Defense Health Agency (DHA)
Last Updated: 6/21/2024
GLWACH Emergency Room
Emergency Medical Services
Category: Dental and Oral Health, First Aid and CPR, Health and Medical Benefits, Health Clinics and Hospitals, Hearing, Infectious Disease Counseling, Managing Chronic Medical Conditions, Other Medical Resources, Pain Management, Patient Liaison, Physicals, Pregnancy, Self-care, Sexually Transmitted Infections, Travel Medicine, Vaccinations, Other Local Emergency Services
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Civilian Personnel, Retirees
Intended for: All FLW/Surrounding Communities
When: 24/7
Where: 4430 Missouri Ave., Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: Varies by Service/Insurance Coverage
Phone: 573-596-0456
Resource Provider: Defense Health Agency (DHA)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
GLWACH: Occupational Health
To provide direct medical support and Preventive Medicine Services to Fort Leonard Wood and its surrounding communities thru exceptional services such as Entomological surveys, potential hazard evaluations, Epidemiology and disease control, promotion of health and wellness, and occupational health and safety training.
Category: Infectious Disease Counseling, Other Medical Resources, Sexually Transmitted Infections, Other Family Resources
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Civilian Personnel, Retirees
Intended for: General Public
When: Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Where: 4430 Missouri Ave., Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-596-0039
Resource Provider: Defense Health Agency (DHA)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Gold Star Families/Survivor Outreach Services
The Gold Star Family site was created by the U.S. Army's Installation Management Command (IMCOM). They reach out to survivors in all 50 states, U.S. territories and overseas through their long-term survivor support program called Survivor Outreach Services. Survivor Outreach Services provides long-term support and advocacy for families of the fallen. Our support coordinators and financial counselors are dedicated to helping survivors from all eras understand and apply for benefits as well as stay connected to the Army family for as long as they desire.
Category: Continued Health Care, Continued Housing, Education Assistance for Survivors, Financial Entitlements, Legal Assistance for Survivors, Other Survivor Resources
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: General Public
When: Monday - Friday: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Where: BLDG 486 Replacement Ave., Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-855-707-2769 ; 1-573-596-0195
Email: usarmy.jbsa.imcom-hq.list.survivor-outreach-services@mail.mil
Resource Provider: Army Community Service (ACS)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Good Samaritan Resource Center
Good Samaritan of the Ozarks is a 501 (c-3) Christian organization that operates a local thrift store, a local area food pantry, and a local women's/family shelter.
Category: Other Family Resources
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: General Public
When: Hours Vary call Good Samaritans for Service Hours
Where: 1807 Historic 66 W, Waynesville, MO 65583
Cost: Varies by program
Phone: 573-774-5113
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Gospel Bible Study
Adult Bible Study for discipleship, fellowship, and prayer.
Category: Clubs, Ministry, Other Social and Spiritual Resources, Pastoral Counseling, Relationship Building, Religious Community Groups, Religious Education, Single Service Member Activities
Population: Service Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel, Family Members
Intended for: Military, Military families, Retirees, authorized civilians.
When: Wednesdays (During Christ Fit) 1830-2000
Where: Main Post Chapel, Fort Leonard Wood
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-596-2127
Resource Provider: Chaplains Office
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Gospel Protestant
Gospel Protestant Service
Category: Clubs, Ministry, Other Social and Spiritual Resources, Pastoral Counseling, Relationship Building, Religious Community Groups, Religious Education, Single Service Member Activities, Worship Services
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
When: Sundays 1000
Where: Cetnral Iowa Chapel
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-596-2127
Resource Provider: Religious Support Office (RSO)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Harry S. Truman Memorial Veteran's Hospital, FLW VA Clinic
Truman VA provides a full continuum of care in both inpatient and outpatient settings and is committed to excellent patient care, education and research. The facility offers comprehensive care including primary care, medical and surgical specialties, behavioral health, physical and occupational therapy and pharmacy services. In addition, Truman VA is a referral center for heart care services including open heart surgery. The facility also offers additional services including audiology and speech pathology, social work services, dermatology, dental, neurology, oncology, orthopedic surgery, podiatry, prosthetics, urology and vision care.
Category: Veterans' Affairs
Population: Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: Veterans and Retirees; Health, Benefits, Burials and Memorials, information about the VA and additional resources.
Where: 700 GW Lane Street, Waynesville, MO 65473
Cost: $-$$$$
Phone: 1-573-774-2285
Email: www.myhealth.va.gov
Resource Provider: Veterans Affairs
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Home Schooling Missouri
According to Section 167.031 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, a parent or guardian of a child, between the ages of seven (7) and seventeen (17) years of age, shall cause the child to attend regularly some public, private, parochial, parish, home school or a combination of such schools. Any parent may educate a child at home. The parent does not need a teaching certificate or need to meet any education requirements in order to provide home instruction. If a parent decides to home school, he or she must offer 1,000 hours of instruction during the school year, with at least 600 hours in the basics, which will be in reading, language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science. At least 400 of the 600 hours shall occur in the home location.
Category: Other Education Resources
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Civilian Personnel, Retirees
Intended for: General Public
Cost: Online Resource
Phone: Missouri Dept. of Elementary and Secondary Education 1-573-751-3527
Email: counsel@dese.mo.gov
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 10/8/2024
Household Goods/Transportation Office
Logistical Support
Category: In-processing, Other Relocation Resources, Personal Property
Population: Family Members, Service Members
Intended for: Household goods/Transportation Office (Inbound and Outbound Support Services)
When: Mon, Tues, Thur and Fri 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.Wed 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.Sat, Sun and Holidays - closed
Where: BLDG 470 140 Replacement Ave., Room 1219 Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-596-0077; DSN: 312-581-0077; Inbound: 1-573-596-0903
Resource Provider: Logistics Readiness Center (LRC)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Housing Environmental Health Response Registry
U.S. Army Medical Command (MEDCOM) established a Housing Environmental Health Response Registry to address Army Family concerns about Army family housing and related health issues. Information in the Registry will enable MEDCOM to provide you additional information on housing environmental health hazards, assist you in seeking medical care for any housing-related illnesses or concerns, and allow MEDCOM to share your concerns about housing environmental health hazards with Army leadership.
The Registry will remain open indefinitely. Please contact the Registry should you have concerns about housing or related health issues that have not been adequately addressed locally.
Category: Environmental Health, Families and Deployment, Child Health and Development, Family Safety, Housing and Temporary Lodging, Other Family Resources, Other Health Resources, Other Safety Resources
Population: Family Members, Service Members
When: 24/7
Where: Service-wide
Cost: $0
Phone: 800-984-8523; 210-295-3700
Resource Provider: Other Government Agencies
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Housing Online User Service Website
Housing information for Fort Leonard Wood
Category: Housing and Temporary Lodging
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Civilian Personnel, Retirees
Cost: Free
Resource Provider: Housing Office or Service
Last Updated: 9/21/2023
Hunters Safety
Learn why safety and ethics are essential to the survival of the sport. This class strives to improve skills and instill responsibility both for beginner and veteran hunters.
Category: Outdoor Recreation, Other Recreation Resources, Other Safety Resources
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: All: beginning and Veteran avid hunters
When: Tuesday-Saturday 0900-1700, Closed Sunday and Monday
Where: 16810 FLW K, BLDG 2290, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-596-4223
Resource Provider: Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (FMWR)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Infuze Credit Union
Credit Union previously referred to as Mid Missouri Credit Union.
Category: Banking
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: General Public, membership required
When: 0900-1700
Where: 234 Illinois Ave, Fort Leonard Wood MO 65473
Cost: $-$$
Phone: 1-573-329-3151
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Inspector General
Provide IG support to commanders, Soldiers, family members, civilian employees, retirees, and others with problems related to the U.S. Army at Fort Leonard Wood. To inquire into and periodically report the discipline, efficiency, economy, training, and readiness to the Commanding General of Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.
Category: Legal Assistance
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: FLW Community
When: Monday through Wednesday, and Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Thursdays from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Lunch (limited assistance) 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Closed Weekends and Federal / Training Holidays
Where: 316 Missouri Ave, Bldg 315 Suite 336, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-596-0486
Email: usarmy.leonardwood.usag.mbx.inspectorgeneral@mail.mil
Resource Provider: Inspector General (IG)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Jimmy Johns
Category: Food and Dining
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: General Public
When: Mon - Sun: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Where: BLDG 490 Mini Mall
Cost: $-$$ prices vary
Phone: 1-573-329-0505
Resource Provider: Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
John B. Mahaffey Museum Complex
John B. Mahaffey Complex, Chemical Engineer, and Military Police Museum
Category: Other Recreation Resources, Other Education Resources
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: General Public
When: Monday-Friday 0800-1600; Closed Saturday & Sunday
Where: 495 S. Dakota Ave. BLDG 1607, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-596-0604; 1-573-596-0780
Resource Provider: Centers of Excellence
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Knights of Columbus - Catholic (KoFC) Men
A Catholic's men's organization that meets the second Tuesday of the month at Building 6501 (Old Pershing Elementary School) Library at 6 pm. KoFC offers Catholic Christian fellowship and opportunities to be of service to others in the FLW/St. Robert/Waynesville area. We are looking for Spirited Catholic men to join the council and be an integral part of the Sacred Heart Church and to also provide support to FLW and surrounding communities overall.
Category: Clubs, Ministry, Other Social and Spiritual Resources, Pastoral Counseling, Relationship Building, Religious Community Groups, Religious Education, Single Service Member Activities
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Civilian Personnel, Retirees
Intended for: Military, Military families, Retirees, authorized civilians men of Catholic Communities
When: Call for specific times
Where: BLDG 6501 Indiana Ave, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473 (Pershing School)
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-596-2127
Email: flw_kofc@hotmail.com
Resource Provider: Chaplains Office
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Laclede County Health Department
Nursing/Medical Records
Category: Other Family Resources, Child Health and Development, Special Needs Families, Parenting
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: General Public
When: Office Hours: 8:00 am -12:00 pm and 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Where: 406 Hardwood Ave., Lebanon, Mo 65536 (Southeastern district)
Cost: Free or Sliding Scale Services
Phone: 1-417-532-2134
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Lake of the Ozarks (LORA)
Enjoy camping, boating, water skiing, and fishing at Missouri's scenic playground. LORA is located 50 miles Northwest of FLW on the Grand Glaze Arm of the Lake. The lake is one of the largest man-made lakes.
Category: Other Recreation Resources, Outdoor Recreation
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Civilian Personnel, Retirees
Intended for: DoD ID Card holders and authorized Army Civilians
When: Open Daily: 9am - 5pm
Where: 789 Olney Circle, Linn Creek, MO 65052
Cost: $$-$$$, Swimming at LORA is FREE. Prices vary for other activities (i.e.. Boat rentals, camping rentals, etc.)
Phone: 1-573-346-5640
Resource Provider: Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (FMWR)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Laquey R-V School District
The Laquey R-V School System is pursuant for what is best for their students. Their objective is motivating each individual student to accomplish individual goals to full potential, and prepare each student for post high school choices.
Category: Other Education Resources, Schools K-12, Preschool
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Civilian Personnel, Retirees
Intended for: All; K -12; School age dependents, civilians
When: Office Hours: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Where: 27600 Highway AA, Laquey, MO 65534
Cost: 0
Phone: Main Office: 1-573-765-3716
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
LDS Service
Sundays, South Iowa Chapel 1300
Category: Clubs, Ministry, Other Social and Spiritual Resources, Pastoral Counseling, Relationship Building, Religious Community Groups, Religious Education, Single Service Member Activities, Worship Services
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
When: Sundays 1300
Where: South Iowa Chapel
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-596-2127
Resource Provider: Religious Support Office (RSO)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Lebanon R-3 School District
To maximize learning for all students.
Category: Other Education Resources, Schools K-12, Preschool
Population: Service Members, Retirees, Family Members, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: All; K -12; School age dependents, civilians
When: Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Where: 224 W. Commercial St. Lebanon, MO 65536
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-417-657-6001
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Leisure Travel Services
Leisure Travel Services offers hundreds of discounted tickets for local and national attractions. You can also stop by and pick up a free travel guide to the surrounding areas, as well as other states. Although certain attractions offer a Military discount at the gate, only tickets purchased through Leisure Travel Services are tax free. We are here to help you plan all of your leisure travel needs!
Bookings you make with LTS earn funds that go back into MWR Programs which support our military community.
Category: Other Installation Resources
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Where: 14145 North Dakota Ave, Bldg. 490 Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473 Fort Leonard Wood 65473
Cost: Varies
Phone: 573-329-8587
Resource Provider: Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (FMWR)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Lending Closet
Provides a 30 day temporary use of household items such as dishes, pots and pans, utensils, cribs, highchairs, portable mattresses, etc., to borrow/ use while awaiting delivery of your household goods or after shipment of goods prior to PCS/transition.
Category: Other Family Resources, Lending Closet
Population: Family Members, Service Members
Intended for: For Soldiers and family members on PCS Orders
When: Mon-Fri: 07:30 am-4:30 pm
Where: BLDG 486 Replacement Ave., Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-596-0212; 1-888-802-6707
Resource Provider: Army Community Service (ACS)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Licking R-VIII School District
Engage in a collaborative relationship with parents and students in order to create the most effective environment that enables students to become confident, self-directed, life long learners.
Category: Other Education Resources, Schools K-12, Preschool
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Civilian Personnel, Retirees
Intended for: All; K -12; School age dependents, civilians
When: Office Hours: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Where: 125 College Ave., Licking, MO 65542
Cost: 0
Phone: Main Office: 1-573-674-2911
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Lincoln University
Lincoln University of Missouri is a public, comprehensive institution that provides excellent educational opportunities including theoretical and applied learning experiences to a diverse population within a nurturing, student-centered environment.
Category: Higher Education
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: Serving military, veterans, spouses, and civilians.
When: Office Hours: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Monday - Thursday and 8:00 am - 12:00 pm on Friday
Where: BLDG 499, 268 Constitution Ave., Suite 5, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: $$$$$; Varies by course load, program, tuition/financial aid.
Phone: 1-573-329-5160
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Local Air Quality Information - Air Pollution Control Program
Checking local air quality can help you plan your day. The following panels show today's forecast for air quality and provide access to tomorrow's forecast as well as real-time readings on EPA's Air Quality Index. During ozone season — from March 1 through Oct. 31 —
The index reflects meteorological conditions and data from the state's ambient air quality monitors for ozone and particulate matter. Real-time readings may change during the day, especially if temperature and humidity rise substantially, so it's a good idea to check them frequently.
Category: Environmental Health
Population: Family Members, Service Members, Civilian Personnel, Retirees
When: 24/7
Where: Online Resource
Cost: 0
Phone: 800-361-4827 or 573-751-4817
Resource Provider: Other Government Agencies
Last Updated: 7/26/2022
Local Utility Company
Intercounty Electric Co-Op
Category: Housing and Temporary Lodging, Other Relocation Resources
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: Community members
When: Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Where: 102 Maple St., Licking, MO
Cost: $$-$$$, Cost vary by service
Phone: 1-866-621-3679; 573-674-2211
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 10/8/2024
Local Utility Company
Gascosage Electric Co-Op
Category: Housing and Temporary Lodging, Other Relocation Resources
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: Community members
When: Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Where: 803 Missouri HWY 28, Dixon, MO
Cost: $$-$$$, Cost vary by service
Phone: 1-573-759-7146
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Local Utility Company
Rolla Municipal Utilities
Category: Housing and Temporary Lodging, Other Relocation Resources
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: Community members
When: Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Where: 102 W 9th Street, Rolla, MO
Cost: $$-$$$, Cost vary by service
Phone: 1-573-364-1572
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Local Utility Company
St. Robert Utilities
Category: Housing and Temporary Lodging, Other Relocation Resources
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: Community members
When: Monday - Friday Between the hours of 8:00 am - 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Where: 190 Eastlawn Ave Suite A, St. Robert, MO
Cost: $$-$$$, Cost varies by service
Phone: 573-451-3343; Emergency # 573-336-4700
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 10/8/2024
Main Exchange
Category: Commissaries, Exchanges, and Shopettes
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: CAC ID Card Holders/Permissions
When: Daily 0900-1900
Where: 143 Replacement Ave, Bldg 487, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: $-$$ prices vary
Phone: 1-573-329-2200
Resource Provider: Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Main Gate (North)
Security personnel conduct 100% ID checks at all gates. Anyone aged 18 years and above must present a valid state or federally issued picture identification. For further information on access requirements contact on-duty security personnel.
Category: Other Safety Resources, Other Military Resources, Other Installation Resources, Installation Access Control
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: Serving all commuter traffic coming on and off of the installation.
When: 24/7
Where: 100 Missouri Ave, building 100, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: (573)596-0590 or (573)596-0356
Email: usarmy.leonardwood.usag.mbx.desvisctr@mail.mil
Resource Provider: Directorate of Emergency Services (DES)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Maranantha Baptist Academy
Our goal is to glorify God in every aspect of their ministry. They believe this goal can be accomplished through reaching people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ by enabling Christians to grow in their spiritual walk through Biblical teaching and preaching.
Category: Other Education Resources, Preschool
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: General Public
When: Monday - Friday: 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Where: 200 Acorn Dr., Saint Robert, MO 65584
Cost: $$-$$$$, Cost of attendance varies, please call for rates and tuition
Phone: 1-573-336-8972
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Mercy Clinic Family Medicine
Medical Center in St. Robert, MO
Category: Other Medical Resources
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Civilian Personnel, Retirees
Intended for: Public; Surrounding Communities
When: Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. Friday: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Where: 608 U.S. Rte 66, St Robert, MO 65584
Cost: Varies depending on service and insurance provider
Phone: (573) 336-5100
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Military Caregiver Resource Directory
Designed to help empower military caregivers with information about national-level resources and programs specifically for them. Topics include: helplines, advocacy and benefit information, career transitions and employment, military caregiver support, children’s needs, education and training, financial support, rest and relaxation, and others.
Category: Wounded Warriors and Caregivers
Population: Family Members
Intended for: Military Caregivers
Cost: 0
Email: OSD.Caregiver@mail.mil
Resource Provider: Other Government Agencies
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Military Caregiver Virtual Forum
Military caregivers may join their peers virtually in a Department of Defense online forum every month to discuss topics that they choose and network with others who are experiencing similar challenges. Caregivers learn skills to overcome challenges and share resources.
Category: Wounded Warriors and Caregivers
Population: Family Members
Intended for: Military Caregivers
When: Every first and fourth Thursday of the month at 11am and 2pm.
Where: Virtual Forum
Cost: None
Email: RSVP at: OSD.Caregiver@mail.mil
Resource Provider: Other Government Agencies
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Military Crisis Line
Military OneSource provides comprehensive information, referral and assistance on every aspect of military life 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Category: Suicide and Self-Harm, Other Behavioral Health Resources
Population: Service Members, Family Members
Intended for: All component members of the Army active duty, Army National Guard, and Army Reserve and their Family members.
When: 24/7
Where: Online Resource/Help Line
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-800-273-TALK (8255); TEXT: 838255
Email: http://www.militaryonesource.mil/help
Resource Provider: Military OneSource
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Military Family Life Consultants (MFLC)
The Military and Family Life Counselors (MFLC) work directly with Army Community Service (ACS) to provide non-medical, short term, situational, problem solving counseling services. The MFLC program addresses concerns and issues facing people who are having trouble coping with everyday issues, as well as challenges with the military lifestyle. This program helps Soldiers and their Families cope with normal reactions to the stressful events created by deployments, war, and reintegration. FLW MFLC Counselors offer services in stress reduction, loss/grief, anxiety/sadness/aggression, deployment and reintegration issues, family dynamics/marital couples, positive coping mechanisms, workplace/parenting, and communication.
Category: Other Behavioral Health Resources
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: FLW Community
When: Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Where: Five different meeting Sites on Fort Leonard Wood (By Brigade)
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-596-0212, press 7 ,1st EN BDE 571-626-9826, 14th MP 773-510-7437, 3rd Chem 571-250-9448, 5th EN 573-979-7838, Tenant Units 573-337-0090
Resource Provider: Military and Family Life Counseling Program (MFLC)
Last Updated: 8/8/2024
Military One Source Counseling Services
Military OneSource provides comprehensive information, referral and assistance on every aspect of military life 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to all component members of the Army active duty, Army National Guard, and Army Reserve and their Family members. The Military OneSource program is accessible worldwide via the toll-free telephone number (800-342-9647) or the website (www.militaryonesource.mil). Military OneSource also provides Soldiers and their Families access to confidential non-medical counseling on a face-to-face basis in the local community, and also via telephone, secure online chat and video. Moreover, Military OneSource offers financial and tax counseling, specialty consultations (for example, health and wellness coaching, wounded warrior consultations, etc.), educational materials available in a variety of topics and formats, translation of official documents and simultaneous interpretation in more than 150 languages.
Category: Alcohol Abuse, Anger Management, Anxiety, Attention Deficit or Hyperactivity Disorder, Combat and Post-Traumatic Stress, Depression, Drug and Substance Abuse, Gambling Addiction, Other Behavioral Health Resources, Other Family Resources
Population: Service Members, Family Members
Intended for: Army Community
Where: Online Resource/Help Line
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-800-342-9647
Resource Provider: Military OneSource
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Military Pet Education (MilPetED) Mobile Application (Android)
MilPetED is a free application for smartphones and tablets, designed to provide easy access to animal health information, tips and resources for Service Members, beneficiaries, and retirees.
Category: Veterinary Services
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees
Cost: Free
Resource Provider: Veterinary Treatment Facility (VTF)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Military Pet Education (MilPetED) Mobile Application (iPhone)
MilPetED is a free application for smartphones and tablets, designed to provide easy access to animal health information, tips and resources for Service Members, beneficiaries, and retirees.
Category: Veterinary Services
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees
Cost: Free
Resource Provider: Veterinary Treatment Facility (VTF)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Military Police Desk (24 Hours)
Emergency Contact Listing
Category: Police
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: ALL FLW Community
When: 24/7
Where: BLDG 1000, South Dakota Ave., Fort Leonard Wood, Mo 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-596-6141
Resource Provider: Directorate of Emergency Services (DES)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Military.com Base Guide
Military.com was established in 1999 to revolutionize the way the 30 million Americans with military affinity stay connected and informed. Today, they are largest military and veteran membership organization — 10 million members strong. Connecting service members, military families and veterans to all the benefits of service — government benefits, scholarships, discounts, lifelong friends, mentors, great stories of military life or missions, and much more. They believe that the benefits earned in the service should be easier to access and written in plain English and are passionate about helping members make the most of military experience throughout life. Military.com's members are sharing stories, insider tips, news from the front lines, and unique slices of military life including the tough stuff of war. Military.com provides headline news and technology updates since our community answers the call and makes news. They also cover the rest of the military experience — from great cont
Category: Other Family Resources
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: All service members, military families and veterans
When: Online Resource, please refer to the website for more information
Where: Online Resource, please refer to the website for more information
Cost: 0
Phone: Online Web Source
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Missouri Health Laboratory
State Health Department Laboratory conducts laboratory testing for most all analysis requirements for public health surveillance. This may include monitoring and detection testing for environmental health, food safety, infectious diseases, newborn screening, public health preparedness, radiation safety, and many other tests. All state public health laboratories are part of the National Laboratory Network, and respond to novel strains of disease, natural disasters, chemical spills, foodborne outbreaks, and other public health emergencies.
Category: Other Health Resources, Other Medical Resources
Population: Civilian Personnel
Intended for: Soldiers and Civilians
When: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
Where: 101 Chestnut Street, Jefferson City, Missouri 65101
Cost: n/a
Phone: 573-751-3334
Resource Provider: Other Government Agencies
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Missouri State Highway Patrol
Provides information about state laws and safety. Also keeps the sex offender registry for the state. There are various available programs provided by the Missouri State Highway Patrol (please see the Missouri State Highway Patrol website for a list of programs available).
Category: Domestic Violence, Crime Prevention, Police
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: Missouri Residents
When: 24/7
Where: Troop I, P.O Box 128, Rolla, MO 65402-0128; 1301 Nagogami Rd, Rolla, MO 65401
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-3682345
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Morelli Heights Bar and Grill
Currently closed. Please stay tuned for re-opening
Category: Other Recreation Resources
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: General Public
When: Closed Until Further Notice
Where: 3404 Nebraska Ave, Bldg 3210 Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: $-$$$$, Price of services varies.
Phone: 573-329-6005
Resource Provider: Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (FMWR)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)
A non-profit organizations that seeks to stop drunk driving, support those affected by drunk driving, prevent underage drinking, and overall push for stricter alcohol policy.
Category: Alcohol Abuse
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: General Public
Where: MADD National Office: 511 E. John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 700, Irving, TX 75062
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-800-438-6233
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Motorcycle Safety Program
All persons operating motorcycles on the installation, and Soldiers operating motorcycles on the installation, must attend a required motorcycle safety course provided by the MSCoE Safety Office (MSO). There are 3 types of courses offered; Beginning Riders Course, Experienced Riders Course, and the Military Sports Bike Riders Course. The courses are free of charge for all military personnel and DoD civilian employees and are available to dependents and retirees on a space-available basis. To register, call MSO.
Category: Other Recreation Resources, Injury Prevention, Other Safety Resources
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: All motorcycle owners and riders whom ride on post, please call the safety office to schedule your class.
When: Call for dates/times.
Where: 261 19th Street BLDG 1000 Suite 4, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-596-0116
Email: ashley.c.shetland.civ@mail.mil
Resource Provider: Safety Office
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
MFLC Office
Category: Other Behavioral Health Resources
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: FLW Community
When: Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Where: Five different meeting Sites on Fort Leonard Wood (By Brigade)
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-337-0090
Resource Provider: Military and Family Life Counseling Program (MFLC)
Last Updated: 8/8/2024
My Army Benefits
Benefit informational online forum provided by the US Army; topics of interest include; state and federal benefits, resource locator, benefits calculator, survivors benefits, wounded warrior, deployment, promotion, and disability income, veterans affordable care act, news, and much more.
Category: Financial Entitlements, Financial Planning
Population: Service Members
Intended for: All Army, Army National Guard, Army Reserve component survivors; or affiliates are eligible to participate.
When: Live Phone Help: Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm EST
Where: Online Resource
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-703-286-2560 ; 1-888-721-2769
Email: usarmy.myarmybenefits@mail.mil
Resource Provider: Directorate of Human Resources (DHR)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
A twelve-step program focusing on addiction, modeled after Alcoholic Anonymous (AA).
Category: Drug and Substance Abuse, Other Local Emergency Services
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: General Public
Where: Online Resource: Call for information in the local area/community.
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-636-697-8406; 1-800-945-4673
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 10/7/2024
National Resource Directory
The National Resource Directory is one of the largest online collections of government and non-government resources specifically designed for Veterans, service members, their families and caregivers. With a unique collection of more than 16,000 organized and vetted resources, the directory provides information covering a variety of topics, including benefits and compensation, education, homeless assistance, housing and other services.
Category: Wounded Warriors and Caregivers, Other Behavioral Health Resources, Other Social and Spiritual Resources, Coping Skills, Financial Entitlements, Financial Planning, Grief and Loss, Ministry, Charitable Organizations, Health and Medical Benefits, Other Medical Resources, Patient Liaison, Legal Assistance, Physical Fitness, Transitioning to Civilian Life, Other Military Resources, Other Recreation Resources, Emergency Planning, Injury Prevention
Population: Family Members, Service Members, Retirees
Cost: none
Email: infonrd.osd@mail.mil
Resource Provider: Other Government Agencies
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
National Sexual Assault Hotline RAINN (Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network)
RAINN (Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network) is the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization and was named one of "America's 100 Best Charities" by Worth magazine. RAINN created and operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline in partnership with more than 1,100 local sexual assault service providers across the country and operates the DoD Safe Helpline for the Department of Defense. In 2015, the Online Hotline expanded to offer services in Spanish at rainn.org/as. RAINN also carries out programs to prevent sexual violence, help victims and ensure that rapists are brought to justice.
Category: Sexual Assault, Other Local Emergency Services
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: General Public
When: 24/7; Call for more information
Where: Online Resource/Help Line
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
National Suicide Prevention Helpline
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a 24-hour, toll-free, confidential suicide prevention hotline available to anyone in suicidal crisis or emotional distress. By dialing 1-800-273-TALK (8255), the call is routed to the nearest crisis center in our national network of more than 150 crisis centers. The Lifeline’s national network of local crisis centers provide crisis counseling and mental health referrals day and night.
Category: Suicide and Self-Harm, Other Local Emergency Services
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: General Public
When: 24/7; Call for more information
Where: Online Resource/Help Line
Cost: 0
Phone: 988 will give option to dial 1 for Veterans' Crisis Line (veterans or active duty)
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 1/4/2024
Navy Federal Credit Union
Navy Federal Credit Union is a military credit union that has 220 branches with approximately 4,000,000 members serving the greater county area. The credit union first opened 69 years ago in 1947 and is a member of the Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLB).
Category: Banking
Population: Family Members, Civilian Personnel, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: All Service members and their families
When: Monday-Thursday 0900-1730; Friday 0900-1800; Saturday 0900-1400
Where: 332 Marshall Dr, Suite F, Saint Robert, MO 65584
Cost: $-$$ prices vary
Phone: 1-888-842-6328; 1-573-336-4879
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Newburg R-II School District
The Newburg R-II Public School vision is for students and staff to be readers, writers, thinkers and problem solvers preparing for a bright future! Our vision will be achieved by our mission: Newburg has C.L.A.S.S.-- Commitment to Learning and Student Success!
Category: Other Education Resources, Schools K-12, Preschool
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: All; K -12; School age dependents, civilians
When: Office Hours: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Where: 701 Wolf Pride Drive, Newburg, MO 65550
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-762-9653
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Newcomer's Orientation / Arrive Strong
Provides information about the post and the surrounding area to newcomer of the installation and their families.
Category: Other Education Resources, In-processing
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: All
When: Every Thursday except holidays
Where: Pershing Community Center/USO
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-596-0212 *64950
Resource Provider: US Army Garrison (USAG)
Last Updated: 10/8/2024
Operation Homefront
Operation Homefront is a nonprofit 501c organization that provides emergency assistance for U.S. military troops, the families they leave behind, and wounded servicemen when they return home. The organization raises funds to provide emergency, financial, and morale assistance to families while troops are participating in a tour of duty. Since its creation in 2002 Operation Homefront has met over 741,000 needs of military families and military personnel returning from duty.
Category: Scholarships and Education Assistance, Other Education Resources, Other Family Resources, Families and Deployment
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees
Intended for: Wounded Service members, Service members and their families
Where: 1355 Central Parkway S. Suite 100, Sant Antonio, TX 78232
Cost: 0
Phone: 210-659-7756 ; 877-264-3968
Email: missouri@operationhomefront.org
Social Media: NA 
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Outdoor Adventure Center (OAC)
The OAC has a large retail operation that sells guns, ammunition, fishing and hunting equipment, and camping and outdoor equipment. The OAC hosts a fully stocked archery department and sells bows and custom made arrows. The center also has a 3D archery course, two trap and two skeet ranges that are open daily, as well as two paintball courses, a wooded course within Mark Twain National Forest, with boundaries and a 100 yard by 100 yard speedball course. The Center also sells paintball equipment. OAC offers float trips that are daily during the spring, summer and part of autumn (weather permitting) down the Big Piney. As well as fishing classes, hunter education, and Concealed Carry Weapons classes. Besides the programs offered through the Outdoor Adventure Center, Fort Leonard Wood has multiple walking trails, caves, camping, boating, and sports rental equipment, hiking areas and two parks (Colyer and Happy Hollow) with play areas. Fort Leonard Wood has over 60,000 acres available for
Category: Other Recreation Resources, Outdoor Recreation
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: General Public
When: Tuesday-Saturday 0900-1700; Closed Sunday & Monday
Where: 16810 FLW K, Bldg 2290 Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: $-$$$$, Price of services varies.
Phone: 573-596-4223
Resource Provider: Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (FMWR)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Parent and Outreach Services
Fort Leonard Wood (FLW) Child, Youth and School Services is a community-based effort to coordinate comprehensive services for children and youth of eligible personnel living on and off the installation.
Category: Child Care, Parenting, Clubs, Other Education Resources, Other Family Resources
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Civilian Personnel, Retirees
Intended for: Dependents by age group call for more details
When: Monday - Friday: 7:30 am- 4:30 pm; Closed Saturday & Sunday
Where: 13486 Replacement Ave. BLDG 470, Suite 1126, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: $$-$$$; Cost varies by program/service
Phone: 1-573-596-0238 or 1-573-596-0421
Resource Provider: Child Youth and School Services (CYSS)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Paw Park
More and more people are realizing a healthy lifestyle is beneficial for their pets as well as themselves. We applaud owners for wanting a healthier lifestyle for their pets physically and emotionally. Dog parks allow owners to exercise, socialize, and strengthen the bond between owner and dog in a controlled environment. However, it is very important for owners to exercise proper dog park etiquette. Following dog park rules will help you and your pet have the best experience possible.
Category: Family Safety, Other Family Resources, Veterinary Services
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: All pets living on post.
When: Dawn-Dusk
Where: Constitution Ave., Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-596-4223
Resource Provider: Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (FMWR)
Last Updated: 6/13/2024
Pershing Community Center
Pershing Community Center is the information center for Fort Leonard Wood recreation resources. We offer a variety of rooms for your personal or professional functions such as catered events, weddings, special events, training and classes. The community recreation center is also the home of Installation Wide Events.
Category: Other Recreation Resources, Clubs
Population: Service Members, Retirees, Family Members, Civilian Personnel
When: Monday-Friday 0800-1600; Closed Saturday & Sunday
Where: 16593 Piney Hills Drive, BLDG 4109, Fort Leonard Wood, MO
Cost: $-$$, Price of services varies.
Phone: 1-573-329-2455
Resource Provider: Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (FMWR)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Phelps Co R-II School District
Phelps County R-III School District is located in rural Phelps County. The school serves grades Pre-K - 8th with a student population of approximately 200. The school is served by a Board of Education that truly believes in the students and an education that prepares the students for becoming lifelong learners. Their staff, faculty members, and administrator work together to create a family atmosphere where everyone enjoys learning - children and adults. Their community families work together to support those learning endeavors.
Category: Schools K-12, Preschool, Other Education Resources
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: All; K -12; School age dependents, civilians
When: Office Hours: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Where: 17790 State Route M, Edgar Springs, MO 65462
Cost: 0
Phone: Main Office: 1-573-435-6293
Email: http://pcr3.k12.mo.us/district/school_contact_information/
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Phelps-Marie County Health Department
Services offered by the Phelps-Marie County Health Department include but are not limited to; blood pressure screening, disease prevention, emergency planning, health care access, immunizations, lead poisoning prevention, pregnancy testing, prenatal case management, STD and Treatment, and TB Support. Programs offered by the health department include; child care health consultation, healthy eating and nutrition education, maternal child health improvement, and teen outreach program, environmental services, vital records, WIC, and community planning (not all-inclusive).
Category: Child Health and Development, Other Family Resources, Family Safety, Infants, Parenting, Special Needs Families
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: General Public
When: Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 5: 00 pm
Where: 200 North Main, Suite G51, Rolla, MO 65401 (Central District)
Cost: Free or Sliding Scale Services
Phone: 1-573-458-6010
Email: http://phelpscountyhealth.com/contact.html
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Piney Ridge Center - Independent Residential Program
Piney Ridge Center, Residential Program Ages: 6-20, co-ed facility offering strength-based residential treatment programs. PRC offers sexual offender programs, psychiatric and behavioral programs, trauma therapy, dual diagnosis treatment approach, and offers a 1:4 staff to client ratio.
Category: Other Family Resources, Other Education Resources, Other Behavioral Health Resources
Population: Service Members, Civilian Personnel, Retirees, Family Members
Intended for: All school age dependents and civilians 6-20 years of age
When: Office Hours: 7:30 am - 4:00 pm, M-F
Where: 1000 Hospital Road, Waynesville, MO 65583
Cost: Varies by participation/insurance provider
Phone: 1-573-774-5353
Email: info@woodridgecare.com
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/3/2025
Piney Valley Golf Course (PVGC)
Piney Valley Golf Course features an 18 hole, par 72 championship course running through a beautiful valley along the Big Piney River. PVGC is open to the public and offers a truly exceptional golfing experience. Our PGA professional staff takes great pride in providing outstanding service. PVGC also features a driving range, putting green, chipping area, pro shop, 18 hole footgolf course, Sandwedge Eatery and golf lessons.
Category: Other Recreation Resources, Outdoor Recreation
Population: Service Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel, Family Members
Intended for: General Public
When: Closed Monday-Friday; Saturday-Sunday 0900-1700
Where: 18674 FLW 20, Bldg 10221 Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: $$
Phone: 1-573-329-4770
Email: NA
Resource Provider: Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (FMWR)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Pizza Hut
Category: Food and Dining
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: General Public
When: Sunday-Thursday 10am-10pm; Friday 10am-Midnight; Saturday 10am-11:45pm
Where: 1711 Cooley Ave. Fort Leonard Wood MO 65473
Cost: $-$$ prices vary
Phone: 1-573-329-0270
Resource Provider: Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Plan My Move
Plan My Move, provides you with access to information about your entitlements and benefits, points of contact, checklists, planning tools, and information on education and employment. Plan My Move will put you and your family in charge of a smooth relocation to your new duty assignment.
Category: In-processing, Housing and Temporary Lodging, Other Relocation Resources
Population: Family Members, Service Members, Civilian Personnel, Retirees
Intended for: General Public
When: Online Resource, please refer to the website for more information
Where: Online Resource
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-800-342-9647
Resource Provider: Military OneSource
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Plato R-V School District
The Plato R-V School District, in partnership with parents, students, staff, and the patrons of the district, has a mission to provide a quality, comprehensive education that will enable all students to become life-long learners and productive citizens. The faculty and staff of the district are committed to working with you to insure your child's success here at Plato Schools. Never hesitate to bring your concerns or ideas to your child's teacher or building administrator. Above all else they are committed to your child's success each and every day.
Category: Other Education Resources, Schools K-12, Preschool
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Civilian Personnel, Retirees
Intended for: All; K -12; School age dependents, civilians
When: Office Hours: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Where: 10645 Plato Drive Plato, MO 65552
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-417-458-3333
Email: info@plato.k12.mo.us
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Poison Control Center
The American Association of Poison Control Centers supports the nations 55 poison centers in their efforts to prevent and treat poison exposures. Poison centers offer free, confidential medical advice 24 hours a day, seven days a week through the Poison Help Line. This service provides a primary resource for poisoning information and helps reduce costly hospital visits by providing in-home treatment.
Category: Other Local Emergency Services
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: All: Emergency. Information. And Prevention
When: 24/7
Where: Online Resource
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-800-222-1222
Resource Provider: Other Government Agencies
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Popeye's Chicken
Fried Chicken
Category: Food and Dining
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: General Public
When: Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm; Sat: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm; Sun: 10:00-6:00 pm
Where: BLDG 491, 266 Constitution St., Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: $-$$ prices vary
Phone: 1-573-329-329-6051
Resource Provider: Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Post Staff Duty Officer
Emergency Contact Listing
Category: Other Local Emergency Services
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: ALL FLW Community
When: 24/7
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-596-0805
Resource Provider: Centers of Excellence
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Protestant Women of the Chapel (PWOC)
Please visit our Facebook page. You may also contact us via email. If you are in need of prayer, please send your prayer request to pwocflwprayer@gmail.com. Our prayer request email is confidential. We are looking forward to meeting you!
Category: Clubs, Ministry, Other Social and Spiritual Resources, Pastoral Counseling, Relationship Building, Religious Community Groups, Religious Education, Single Service Member Activities
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: Women of Military Community
When: Various days and times
Where: Virtual or Small Home Groups
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-596-2127
Email: pwocflw@gmail.com
Resource Provider: Chaplains Office
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Protestant Youth of the Chapel
Grades 6-12
Category: Clubs, Ministry, Other Social and Spiritual Resources, Pastoral Counseling, Relationship Building, Religious Community Groups, Religious Education
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: Youth of the Military Community
When: Wednesdays during Christ Fit 1815-2000
Where: BLDG 6501 Indiana Ave, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473 (Pershing School)
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-596-2127
Resource Provider: Chaplains Office
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Pulaski County Health Department
RN, MSN, Public Health Program Director
Category: Child Health and Development, Family Safety, Infants, Other Family Resources, Parenting, Special Needs Families
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: General Public
When: Mon. 7am - 5pm and Tue. - Fri. from 8am - 4pm
Where: 101 12th St. Crocker, MO 65452
Cost: Free or Sliding Scale Services
Phone: 1-573-736-2217
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Pulaski County Sheriff
Community Emergency Services
Category: Police
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: General Public/Surrounding Communities
When: 24/7
Where: 301 Historic 66 E Suite 136, Waynesville, MO 65583
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-774-6196
Email: dispatch@pcsheriff2.com
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Range Control
Emergency Contact Listing
Category: Other Local Emergency Services
Population: Service Members, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: ALL FLW Community
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-596-2525
Resource Provider: Centers of Excellence
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Ready and Resilient Performance Center (R2PC)
Ready and Resilient Performance Center (R2PC) is designed to build mental resilience and performance optimization of the Army Family — Soldiers, their Families, and Army Civilians. The R2PC does this by providing hands-on training and self-development tools so that members of the Army Family are better able to cope with adversity, perform better in stressful situations, and thrive in life.
Category: Other Education Resources, Transitioning to Civilian Life, Physical Fitness, Stress Management
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Service Members
Intended for: Civilian Personnel; Family Members; Active Duty, Reserves, National Guard
When: Monday-Friday 0800-1600
Where: 14122 3rd Street, Building 350, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-563-4174
Email: flwperformance@gmail.com
Resource Provider: Ready and Resilient (R2)
Last Updated: 1/5/2024
Ready and Resilient Performance Training Center (formerly CSF2) Soldiers, Family Members, and DA Civilians
Ready and Resilient Performance Training Center is designed to build resilience and enhance performance of the Army Family — Soldiers, their Families, and Army Civilians. CSF2 does this by providing hands-on training and self-development tools so that members of the Army Family are better able to cope with adversity, perform better in stressful situations, and thrive in life.
Category: Anger Management, Anxiety, Combat and Post-Traumatic Stress, Depression, Other Behavioral Health Resources, Other Education Resources, Other Family Resources, Men's Health, Other Health Resources, Physical Fitness, Sleep, Stress Management, Tobacco Cessation, Weight Management, Women's Health
Population: Family Members, Service Members, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: Soldiers, Family Members, and DA Civilians, Active Duty and USAR/NG Soldiers and their families, and DA Civilians.
When: Please call the Training Center for current course dates
Where: please call the Training Center for current course locations
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-563-4208
Resource Provider: Ready and Resilient (R2)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Mini Golf & Go-Karts: Patrons must wear face mask into facility & while interacting with staff. Face mask not required while playing mini golf or during go-kart ride. Prepackaged snacks & drinks will be available.
Category: Other Recreation Resources, Outdoor Recreation, Swimming
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Civilian Personnel, Retirees
Intended for: DoD ID Card holders and authorized Army Civilians
When: Closed for the season
Where: 5561 Constitution Ave. BLDG 604, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: $-$$$, Price of participation varies.
Phone: 1-573-596-0843
Resource Provider: Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (FMWR)
Last Updated: 12/20/2022
Red Cross Volunteer Program
The Red Cross is meeting the needs of a changing military and offers many services to military members, veterans and their families.
Category: Volunteering
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: General Public
When: Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:30
Where: 13489 Replacement Ave, Bldg 470, Rm 1130, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-596-0300, Emergencies: 1-877-272-7337
Resource Provider: American Red Cross (ARC)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Religious Support Office (Pastroal Counseling) and Family Life Chaplain
Chaplains provide counseling to DA Civilians, Soldiers and family members to assist them in working through personal issues. Chaplains address many topic that include, stress management, coping skills, relationship issues, parenting/child concerns, conflict resolution, communication, grief, and spiritual growth. Information is confidential.
Category: Clubs, Ministry, Other Social and Spiritual Resources, Pastoral Counseling, Relationship Building, Religious Community Groups, Religious Education, Single Service Member Activities, Worship Services
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Civilian Personnel, Retirees
Intended for: Military, Military families, Retirees, authorized civilians and IET Soldiers/Military.
When: Monday - Friday: 7:30am- 4:30pm
Where: BLDG 6501, Indiana Ave, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-596-2127 and 573-596-2695
Resource Provider: Chaplains Office
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Relocation Assistance: Individual PCS Planning
One-on-one consultation for anyone needing assistance with their move. Receive information on housing, budgeting, jobs, finance, moving with children, general moving preparations, and many other moving related topics and resources.
Category: Other Relocation Resources
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Service Members
Intended for: Service members, family members, and authorized civilian personnel
When: Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 0:730 - 4:30 (Please call for more information.)
Where: BLDG 486 Replacement Ave., Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-596-0212*4950
Resource Provider: Army Community Service (ACS)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Retirement Services Office
To provide assistance for eligible active duty, retirees, spouses, dependents, widows, widowers, former spouses, and veterans in solving personal affairs concerning benefits, entitlements, and privileges resulting from their military service. To assist active duty Soldiers requesting retirement, survivor benefit briefings to retiring soldiers. To assist with transition from active duty to retirement, assists retirees with changes dealing with retirement pay operations. To assist widows with application for retirement benefits.
Category: Other Military Resources, Transitioning to Civilian Life
Population: Service Members, Civilian Personnel, Retirees
Intended for: Veterans and Retirees
When: Mon. - Fri.: 7:30 am-4:00 pm
Where: BLDG 470 13486 Replacement Ave, Room 2110, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-596-0947
Email: FLWRSO@mail.mil
Resource Provider: Army Community Service (ACS)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Richland Police Department
Community Emergency Services
Category: Police
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: General Public/Surrounding Communities
When: 24/7
Where: 201 N Chestnut St. Richland, MO 65556
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-765-4144
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Richland R-IV School District
Their Mission statement, “every child can learn given time and an opportunity,” becomes their daily focus as we strive for continuous improvement in all programs and services provided by our school district. They strive for your child to to be engaged in a rigorous curriculum, delivered by a highly qualified faculty and staff, in facilities that enhance the educational and physical needs of their students.
Category: Schools K-12, Preschool, Other Education Resources
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: All; K -12; School age dependents, civilians
When: Office Hours: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Where: 714 E Jefferson, Richland, MO 65556
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-765-3241
Email: https://www.richlandbears.us/
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Roll Dental Clinic
Dentistry- General dentistry and hygiene. Specialty- Oral Maxillofacial Surgery and Endontic.
Category: Dental and Oral Health
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: General Public or Tricare Beneficiaries
When: Monday-Tuesday/Thursday-Friday 0730-1630; Wednesday 0730-1130, 1330-1630
Where: 6958 Nebraska Ave BLDG 1608, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-596-0364
Resource Provider: Dental Services
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Rolla Police Department
Community Emergency Services
Category: Police
Population: Family Members, Service Members, Civilian Personnel, Retirees
Intended for: General Public/Surrounding Communities
When: 24/7
Where: 1007 N Elm Street, Rolla, MO 65401
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-308-1213
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Rolla School District
The responsibility of the Rolla School District is to provide, in partnership with the community, the best educational opportunities possible for their students through a commitment to excellence in personnel, facilities, curriculum and instruction.
Category: Schools K-12, Preschool, Other Education Resources
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: All; K -12; School age dependents, civilians
When: Office Hours: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Where: 500 A Forum Drive, Rolla, MO 65401
Cost: 0
Phone: Main Office: 1-573-458-0100
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Russell House (24/7 Crisis Hotline)
Russell house is a non-profit organization that provides services to victims of family violence and their children. They support the principle that all individuals have a right to a life free of abuse and sexual assault. They seek to break the cycle of violence through increasing public awareness of the problem of domestic violence and sexual assault, acting as advocates for victims, coordinating existing resources for the benefits of survivors and providing safe environments for survivors.
Category: Other Local Emergency Services
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: Victims of Sexual Abuse
Where: 200 North Main Street Rolla, MO 65401
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-888-998-8340
Email: info@russellhousemo.org
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
School Support Services
School Support Services provides Army school-aged youth with educational opportunities, resources and information necessary to achieve academic success. A branch of Child & Youth Services (CYS), School Support Services includes the School Liasion Officer (SLO) who helps schools, installations, and families work together for student achievement.
SLOs are your best support in the area of education, schools and military transitions. SLOs are knowledgeable in current education news and policies. They act as the conduit between the student community- including local public school districts, private schools and home school Families- and the installation.
Category: Other Education Resources, Child Health and Development, Parenting
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
When: Monday-Friday 0730-1630
Where: 13486 Replacement Ave, Bldg 470 Rm 1102 Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-596-0357
Resource Provider: Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (FMWR)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Sexual Assault Response Line (Report all Sexual Assault Incidents)
Emergency Contact Listing ; the SHARP Resource Center is designed to coordinate and support all SHARP program services and personnel working on the installation, with a focus on maximum co-locations for services to include; advocacy, investigative resources and legal personnel/council. Victims and families can explore reporting options, meet personnel, and coordinate needed referrals and appointments in a protected environment.
Category: Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Other Local Emergency Services
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Civilian Personnel, Retirees
Intended for: ALL FLW Community
When: Response Line: 24/7 Office Hours: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Where: BLDG 315, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-855-1327
Resource Provider: Sexual Harassment and Assault Response Prevention (SHARP)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Skate Park
Sponsored by Better Opportunities for Single Service Member (BOSS), the skate park has a variety of industrial-grade cement obstacles complete and grind rails. It's fun place for exercising and having fun.
The only devices allowed are skateboards, roller blades, BMX bicycles, and non-motorized scooters. This park is not supervised.
Category: Outdoor Recreation, Sports - Adult, Sports - Youth, Other Recreation Resources
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
When: Monday-Sunday 0800-Dusk
Where: 2538 Young St. Bldg 9625 Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-563-5967
Resource Provider: Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (FMWR)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Slim Chickens
Slim Chickens is a fast-casual restaurant chain which specializes in chicken tenders and wings.
Category: Food and Dining
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
When: Daily 1000-2100
Where: 7068 Nebraska Avenue, Bldg. 1605, Fort Leonard Wood MO 65473
Cost: Price Varies
Phone: 573-329-0800
Resource Provider: Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Soldier for Life-Transition Assistance Program (SFL-TAP)
The SFL-TAP Program, formally the Army Career and Alumni Program (ACAP), is the Army's Transition Program responsible for providing SMs with the counseling, employment and education workshops, and seminars required to achieve the Veterans Opportunity to Work (VOW) and Career Readiness Standards (CRS) mandated compliance.
Category: Transitioning to Civilian Life
Population: Service Members, Family Members
Intended for: All eligible SMs will begin receiving transition counseling and employment assistance 18 months prior to transitioning from Active Duty or 24 months prior to retirement. Eligible Family members may participate in SFL-TAP services as soon as their SM is registered with SFL-TAP.
When: Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 0730-1200 13:00- 1630
Where: BLDG 470, Room 2219
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-596-0175
Email: usarmy.leonardwood.imcom-central.mbx.sfl-tap@mail.mil
Resource Provider: US Army Garrison (USAG)
Last Updated: 10/3/2022
Specker Gym
Specker Gym is a complete strength and conditioning training facility. Specker will change the way you train. This 17,000 square foot facility is located in the Specker Barracks complex. It's Fort Leonard Wood's center for Olympic and power lifting. This premier weight-training facility has everything a serious athlete needs.
Category: Physical Fitness, Weight Management, Fitness Centers, Sports - Adult, Other Recreation Resources
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
When: Weekdays 0500-0800 (Active Duty); 0800-1000, 1100-1400, 1500-1900 (All Authorized Patrons); Weekends 0800-1000, 1100-1400, 1500-1900 (All Authorized Patrons); Holidays 0800-1230, 1300-1600 (All Authorized Patrons)
Where: 6060 Michigan Ave, Bld 1714, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-596-7377
Resource Provider: Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (FMWR)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Sponsorship Training
The US Army established the Total Army Sponsorship Program to assist soldiers, civilian employees, and family members during the relocation process. Program participants are provided with accurate, timely information and other support needed to minimize problems associated with relocating to a new duty station. Sponsorship training is offered to units upon request. A good sponsor can make a difference between transitions.
Category: Other Military Resources, Families and Deployment, Other Family Resources, In-processing, Sponsorship
Population: Family Members, Service Members
Intended for: Army, National Guard, the United States Army Reserves, and Civilian employees
Where: BLDG 486 Replacement Ave, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-596-0212 *64950
Resource Provider: Army Community Service (ACS)
Last Updated: 6/13/2024
Spouse Resource Center
We offer classes, workshops, and face-to-face guidance on various topics to include education, employment, and community resources. Our goal is to have spouses leave the center with answers to the questions that brought them to us.
Category: Families and Deployment
Population: Family Members
Intended for: Military Spouses and Families
When: Monday-Thursday 0800-1600
Where: 134856 Replacement Ave. Building 470, Room 2222
Cost: Free
Phone: 573-596-3196/6066
Email: usarmy.leonardwood.id-training.mbx.usag-flw-dhr-src@army.mil
Resource Provider: Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (FMWR)
Last Updated: 10/29/2024
St. Robert Police Department
Community Emergency Services
Category: Emergency Planning, Police
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: General Public/Surrounding Communities
When: 24/7
Where: 194 Eastlawn Ave., Suite A, St. Robert, MO 65584
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-336-4700
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Staff Judge Advocate General (SJA)
Supports the mission of the United States Army Maneuver Support Center of Excellence and Fort Leonard Wood by providing commanders, staffs, Soldiers, military retirees, and their dependents competent, proactive, and timely legal support on the full range of issues affecting the Army, USA MSCoE, and the quality of life of its people. Ensures the fair administration of the military justice system and effectively manages the federal prosecution, claims, legal assistance, installation contracting, labor relations, environmental law, administrative law and civil litigation programs.
Category: Legal Assistance
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: Military personnel and their families and civilian authorized employees
When: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 0830-1130 and 1300-1600 **Due to COVID, all appointments are telephonic.
Where: 316 Missouri Ave, Bldg 315, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: Please call for more information.
Phone: 573-596-0629
Resource Provider: Legal Center or Judge Advocate General Office (JAG)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Coffee and Pastries
Category: Food and Dining
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: General Public
When: Mon Fri: 6:00 am -7:30 pm; Sat: 8:00 - 7:00 pm; Sun: 8:00 - 5:00 pm
Where: BLDG 490 Mini Mall
Cost: $-$$ prices vary
Phone: 1-573-329-2052
Resource Provider: Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Stress Management
This class is designed to teach identifying stressors. Students will learn creative ways to minimize and cope with stress. Other topics include; effective time management, food that reduce stress and techniques for managing busy lifestyles. Please ask about out other resiliency classes as well.
Category: Stress Management
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: FLW Community
When: Monday - Friday: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Where: Building 486 Replacement Ave, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-596-0212
Resource Provider: Army Community Service (ACS)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Substance Use Disorders Clinical Care (SUDCC)
SUDCC offers evidence-based treatment to assist with all addictive behaviors. Individual and group therapy as well as medication to assist with cravings. Accepting active-duty members.
Category: Drug and Substance Abuse
Population: Service Members
Where: Hospital Basement Floor, Room 63, 4430 Missouri Ave, FLW
Cost: None
Phone: 573-596-0522
Resource Provider: TRICARE
Last Updated: 6/21/2024
Suicide Prevention Program (ASAP)
Suicide Prevention Education and Prevention.
Category: Suicide and Self-Harm
Population: Service Members
Intended for: Military personnel only
When: Monday-Friday 0730-1630
Where: 14060 Replacement Avenue, Building 486, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-596-0938
Resource Provider: Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Survivors Outreach Services (SOS)
Army Community Service (ACS) Center serves as the installation's primary coordinating resource agency. ACS provides a multitude of community based services that foster growth, development, and readiness of families assigned to the installation. SOS is an Army program developed to serve surviving families of the fallen. The program provides long-term support, resources and emotional connections by maintaining a continuing relationships between survivors and the Army. SOS is available to all survivors: spouses, children, parents, siblings, and friends who are grieving the loss of a Soldier regardless of how they died. SOS coordinates with the military, non-governmental organizations and the local communities to create an area support network.
Category: Other Family Resources
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees
Intended for: All Army, Army National Guard, Army Reserve component survivors are eligible to participate.
When: Monday - Friday: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Where: BLDG 486, Replacement Ave., Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-593-0212
Resource Provider: Survivor Outreach Services (SOS)
Last Updated: 6/13/2024
Tax Center
Army policy permits tax assistance to members of the Armed Forces on active duty and to other eligible individuals such as family members, retirees and their family members, and survivors of deceased active duty personnel and retirees. Tax assistance is provided at NO COST to you.
Category: Tax Assistance
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees
Intended for: Family members, retirees and their family members, and survivors of deceased active duty personnel and retirees.
When: Monday- Friday 0830-1130 and 1300-1600; 0900-1300 every other Saturday
Where: 316 Missouri Ave., Bldg. 315 Fort Leonard Wood MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-596-1040
Resource Provider: Legal Center or Judge Advocate General Office (JAG)
Last Updated: 1/24/2025
Team Red, White, and Blue (RWB)
Provides local opportunities to veterans and the community to connect through physical and social activity. They host a weekly fitness activity, monthly social events, and participate in local races and events together. Team RWB’s mission is to enrich the lives of America’s veterans by connecting them to their community through physical and social activity.
Category: Other Recreation Resources, Outdoor Recreation
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees
Intended for: Veterans and Retirees
Where: Online Resource
Cost: $-$$$, Price of participation varies upon event.
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Tragedy Assistance Programs for Survivors (TAPS)
Taps provides ongoing emotional help, hope, and healing to all who are grieving the death of a loved one in military service, regardless of the relationship to the deceased, geography, or circumstance of the death. TAPS meets its mission by providing peer-based support, crisis care, casualty casework assistance, and grief and trauma resources.
Category: Other Survivor Resources
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: General Public
Where: Online Resource
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-800-959-8277 ; 1-202-588-8277
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
TRICARE Behavioral Health Care Services
Treatment Services: Tricare behavioral health services are available from civilian network providers for family members and other beneficiaries during times of stress, depression, grief, or anxiety. Active duty members should always seek non-emergency behavioral healthcare service at medical treatment facilities, when available. If services are not available, Active duty members must obtain a referral or prior authorization for the first eight outpatient behavioral health visits per fiscal year to a network provider for a medical diagnosed and covered condition.
Category: Dental and Oral Health, First Aid and CPR, Health and Medical Benefits, Health Clinics and Hospitals, Hearing, Infectious Disease Counseling, Managing Chronic Medical Conditions, Other Medical Resources, Pain Management, Patient Liaison, Physicals, Pregnancy, Self-care, Sexually Transmitted Infections, Travel Medicine, Vaccinations
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees
Intended for: Beneficiaries
Where: Online Resource
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-800-444-5445
Resource Provider: Defense Health Agency (DHA)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
TRICARE Dental Program
The TRICARE Dental Program is a voluntary dental plan.
Category: Dental and Oral Health
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Civilian Personnel, Retirees
Intended for: Family members of Active Duty Service members, National Guard/Reserve members (Covered by TAMP), Active Guard or Reserve members, active duty dental benefits covered by Transitional Assistance Management Program, TAMP
When: Call to enroll, find a dentist or more information
Where: Online Resource/Telephone referrals
Cost: Varies depending on service provider, and insurance coverage
Phone: CONUS: 844-653-4061 · OCONUS: 844-653-4060 · OCONUS Toll: 717-888-7400
Resource Provider: Dental Services
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Truman Education Center
Our goal is to provide adult and continuing education services to Soldiers, adult family members, Department of the Army Civilians and retired personnel. We achieve this by providing professional development programs, such as on-post college and university courses, counseling and testing, basic skills courses as well as, assisting transitioning service members with acquiring internships through the Career Skills Program.
Category: Higher Education
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Civilian Personnel, Retirees
Intended for: FLW Community
When: Monday-Wednesday & Friday 0730-1730; Thursday 1200-1700
Where: 4904 Constitution Ave, Bld 499, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: Varies by beneficiary
Phone: 1-573-596-0172
Email: usarmy.leonardwood.imcom.mbx.dhr-education-center@mail.mil
Resource Provider: Adult Education Services
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Veterans Commission Missouri
The Missouri Veterans Commission is a state agency established by Missouri Statute to aid all Veterans, their dependents, and legal representatives by providing information regarding the rights of Veterans and their dependents and to assist Veterans accessing their available benefits through State and Federal Government. The Missouri Veterans Commission will provide our Veterans with timely benefits assistance, skilled nursing care and a final resting place with honor.
Category: Legal Assistance, Other Military Resources, Transitioning to Civilian Life, Veterans' Affairs
Population: Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: Veterans, their dependents, and legal representatives
Where: 205 Jefferson Street, 12th Floor Jefferson Building, Jefferson City, MO 65102
Cost: $-$$$$, Cost varies by service provided
Phone: 1-573-596-0193; 1-573-751-3779; 1-866-VET-INFO
Email: movets@mvc.dps.mo.gov
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Veterinary Treatment Facility (VTF)
The VTF offers: vaccinations, wellness exams, sick call appointment, surgery, dental cleanings and extraction, in house blood work, radiology, ultrasounds and cytology services, health certificates, FAVNS for overseas travel. Most veterinary emergency cases are best served through a full service civilian veterinary hospital due to the limited manpower and resources.
Category: Family Safety, Other Family Resources, Veterinary Services
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: All pets living on post must be registered with the VTF upon arrival. On post-housing may limit the number and breed of pets that can live on post. Contact post housing for more information. Appointments available weekly.
When: Monday - Wednesdays and Fridays: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm; Thursday: 8:00 am -4:00 pm (over the counter sales only)
Where: BLDG 2399 Minnesota Ave., Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: $-$$$, Varies by services
Phone: 1-573-596-0094
Resource Provider: Veterinary Treatment Facility (VTF)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Victim Advocate Program
The Victim Advocacy Program is designed to ensure that each person who reported victim of domestic violence is provided support and assistance through the services of a Victim Coordinator. Victim Advocates provide direct services to individual victims of spousal abuse and/or represent the interest in areas such as; emotional support and encouragement, informing victims about resources and referrals to services, accompanying victims to services and proceedings, intervening in behalf of the victims with services and commands, and informing victims of their rights within the Army and civilian communities. The Victim Advocate Program also assist in locating shelter services for victims of domestic violence and their children. Anyone in need of possible placement can contact the Victim Advocate Coordinator for available information concerning services offered by surrounding shelters.
Category: Child Abuse and Neglect, Other Family Resources, Family Safety, Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence
Population: Family Members, Service Members, Civilian Personnel, Retirees
Intended for: At-risk families, women and children
When: Monday - Friday: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Where: BLDG 486, Replacement Ave., Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 1-573-596-0212
Resource Provider: Family Advocacy Program (FAP)
Last Updated: 6/5/2024
Voting Assistance Office - Voter Registration Agency
Voting assistance
Category: Other Education Resources, Voting
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: All registered voters
When: Monday-Friday 0730-1630
Where: Dillard Hall, Bldg 470, Fort Leonard Wood MO
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-596-2665
Email: usarmy.leonardwood.usag.mbx.voting-assistance@mail.mil
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Wallace Outdoor Pool and Splash Park
Located at the MWR Rec Plex, the Wallace Pool is an Olympic-sized outdoor pool with a 2 story high double slide. It also features a 12-foot deep end with 2 different height diving boards. Pool parties, swimming lessons and life guard certifications are available.
The Splash Park has a zero-entry pool with hoses, buckets and a lot of fun for the younger children.
Category: Other Health Resources, Swimming, Weight Management
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Civilian Personnel, Retirees
Intended for: DoD ID Card holders and authorized Army Civilians
When: Closed for Season
Where: 5561 Constitution Ave Bldg 604, Fort Leonard Wood MO 65473
Cost: Daily Rates $3-5; Season Passes $45; Family Rates $8-15; Family Season Pass $100; Annual Passes; Individual $95; Family $150; Large Group Rates Apply (Please call)
Phone: 1-573-596-0843
Resource Provider: Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (FMWR)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Warriors 4 Christ
Grades 1-5
Category: Clubs, Ministry, Other Social and Spiritual Resources, Pastoral Counseling, Relationship Building, Religious Community Groups, Religious Education
Population: Service Members, Retirees, Family Members, Civilian Personnel
When: Tuesdays 1600-1715
Where: Virtual Zoom Club Meeting Only
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-596-2127
Resource Provider: Chaplains Office
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Waynesville DMV
Motor Vehicle and Driver Licensing
Category: Other Relocation Resources, Other Family Resources
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: General Public
When: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
Where: 218 Rt 66, Waynesville, MO 65583
Cost: $-$$$, Cost of Services Varies
Phone: 1-573-774-8400
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Waynesville Police Department
Community Emergency Services
Category: Police
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: General Public/Surrounding Communities
When: 24/7
Where: 601 US Rte. 66, Waynesville, MO 65583
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-774-2414
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Waynesville R-VI School District
From pre-school for children with special needs and developmental concerns to dual credit and AP college courses at the high school, Waynesville Schools offer a variety of programs to meet the academic needs of students at all levels.
Category: Schools K-12, Preschool, Other Education Resources
Population: Family Members, Service Members, Civilian Personnel, Retirees
Intended for: All; K -12; School age dependents, civilians
When: Office Hours: 7:30 am - 4:00 pm
Where: 200 Fleetwood Drive, Waynesville, MO 65583
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-842-2097
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Weapons Registration
Anyone wishing to bring or store a Privately Owned Firearm on Fort Leonard Wood for authorized legal activities must properly register the firearm. Military members and their family members residing on the installation must register all firearms upon arrival. All military members regardless of rank must have the firearms registration form signed by their current unit Commander.
Category: Crime Prevention, Other Safety Resources, Outdoor Recreation
Population: Civilian Personnel, Family Members, Retirees, Service Members
Intended for: All Service Members/Army Civilians living on post owning or in possession of a weapon.
When: 24/7
Where: 100 Missouri Ave, Bldg 100, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri 65473
Cost: 0
Phone: 573-596-0590 or 573-596-0356
Email: usarmy.leonardwood.usag.mbx.desvisctr@mail.mil
Resource Provider: Directorate of Emergency Services (DES)
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Webster University
Webster University offers accredited graduate degrees to students in Missouri and across the world. With opportunities to study in Fort Leonard Wood or earn a degree online, academic programs are focused on student success and taught by faculty with professional experience in their academic fields.
Category: Higher Education
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: Serving military, veterans, spouses, and civilians.
When: Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Where: 4904 Constitution Ave., Suite 20, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Cost: $$$$$; Varies by course load, program, tuition/financial aid.
Phone: 1-573-329-6777
Email: ftleonardwood@webster.edu
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022
Westside Christian Academy
WCA has been a vision of Westside Baptist Church for many years. In 2006, they began the Preschool program which quickly became one of the most respected in the community. In the fall of 2012 we added the Kindergarten program. In the fall of 2016 we added the First through Fifth Grade and are excited to see where God takes us next!
Category: Ministry, Schools K-12, Preschool
Population: Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian Personnel
Intended for: All: K - 4th grade school age dependents and civilians
When: Monday - Friday: 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Where: 801 Historic 66 W, Waynesville, MO 65583
Cost: $$-$$$$, Cost of attendance varies, please call for rates and tuition
Phone: 1-573-774-2015; Main Office: 1-573-774-6431
Email: ministry@westsidewaynesville.com
Resource Provider: Non-DoD Resource Provider
Last Updated: 3/24/2022