Walter Reed National Military Medical Center

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About This Guide

This guide contains a list of resources available to members of this US military community. It does not provide exhaustive information about each resource. Instead, it provides just enough information for you to quickly determine what resources are available to serve your needs. You can then use the included phone numbers or web links to obtain more detailed information for a particular resource.

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You may sort resources by Subject, Resource Provider or alphabetically using the A to Z Index.

Expand or collapse categories for subjects or resource providers by selecting a title link. For the A to Z index, use the letter links to jump to a specific spot in the alphabetical list.

Resource items are collapsed by default and show only a title and brief description. Select the title link to access other information including contacts, who the resource is intended for, address and schedule if applicable. Use the provided contact information to obtain more detailed information from the resource provider.

You can print a phone directory version of this guide, which includes only resource titles, descriptions and phone numbers, by choosing the Resource Provider or A to Z Index options and then selecting Print. Please note that printed versions may generate a large number of pages!

If you are interested in guides for other military communities, use the Communities link at the top of this webpage.


About 25 results
National Domestic Violence Hotline
The National Domestic Violence Hotline at 800-799-7233 or 800-787-3224 (TTY) is available 24 hours a day for safety planning and referrals for local resources.
COVID-19 Hotline
The COVID-19 hotline is available 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. The primary phone number is toll-free stateside.
Navy Lodge
lodging, hotel, extended stay
Naval Support Activity Bethesda Command
Garrison Command
Morale, Welfare, and Recreation
Fitness facilities, programs, tickets and travel office
Child Development Center
Full-time and hourly care
Navy Exchange
Shops and services, optical, barber shop, food court, gas station
Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
Healthcare, Specialty care, Patient advocacy, emergency care, executive health care, cancer center
National Intrepid Center of Excellence
Tramatic brain injury care, resources, and treatment options
Darnall Medical Library
Fedlink small federal library, journals, and databases
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